from Tschigorin's column in Novoe
Vremya June 20 (July 3), 1902
Prince Dadian of Mingrelia - F. Duz-Chotimirsky
In the journal La Strategie there is found a
game played recently in Kiev that is not without interest, but the
commentary on it is rather weak. Believing that our annotations to the
opening moves may prove themselves useful to many, especially fledgling
amateurs, we do not consider it superfluous to acquaint them with this
1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 g5 4. Bc4 g4 5. O-O gxf3 6.
Qxf3 Qf6 7. Nc3

In our opinion White sacrifices the Bishop c4 utterly
to no purpose. With two superfluous pieces the defense for Black is
simple and easy. Greater difficulties for the defense would come about
with the move 7. b3 inviting Black to take the Rook. White then threatens
8. Bb2 Qxb2 9. Nc3. In this case Black's Queen would be locked in for a
long time.
Qd4+ 8. Kh1 Qxc4 9. d3

According to the journal Prince Dadian of Mingrelia
attributes this move to Boden and MacDonnell. Cordel in his Fuhrer
durch die Schachtheorie recommends this attack, which the Prince has
often employed with success. It is possible to achieve success in
practice only when the opponents conduct the defense very weakly.
Qe6 10. Bxf4 Na6

The natural move is 10. ...d6. Black manages to defend
the pawn at c7 with the Knight at a6, while White will attack it with the
Knight on d5 or b5.
11. d4 Bg7
Also now 11. ...d6 would repel White's attack. There
also would have appeared the possibility of exchanging Queens by playing
12. d5 Qg6 13. d6 Bxc3

Black, by exchanging the Bishop for the Knight,
commits a "crime"... It was possible to take the Pawn and on 14. Bxd6
reply 14. ...Ne7.
14. Qxc3 f6 15. e5 b6 16. exf6 Bb7 17. f7+

"After this move", observes the journal, "White wins
in all of the variations". Quite true. But not with the reply of White
which was given, probably due to a misprint, in La Strategie.
Playing 17. Rae1+ followed by Bg3 threatening f7 or Re7+ (depending on
where Black retreats the King). White would also have won the game.
Kxf7 18. Bg5+
La Strategie printed, certainly by mistake, 18.
Ke8 19. Rae1+ Be4 20. Qxh8
In this position it was possible to play also 20.Qf3
threatening mate or 21. Qe5 Qe6 22. Qxe4 Rc8 23. Qf5. Black cannot defend
himself from mate, threatened in 2-3 moves.
black resigns.