THE LIFE AND CHESS OF PAUL MORPHY                                                                                                                                                                                Edge to Fiske




This is an extract from a letter dated 14 March 1901 from D.W. Fiske to John G. White:

I am a victim of chronic gout, which often drives me to my bed, where I divert myself by considering whether or not I shall write down my recollections of Morphy. As yet he is hardly appreciated by the chess world. Few people know, for instance, that a large part of the annotations to the games during his connection with the Chess Monthly were written by him. They seem to me to be models, not only of conciseness, but of clearness also, and they are certainly characterized by that which he never lost, a gentleman's feeling towards all other players. He revised the sketch of himself in the Book of the First Chess Congress and selected the games for it. My memories of him are of the pleasantest.


Source: pages xii-xiii of the posthumous collection of Fiske's writings, Chess Tales & Chess Miscellanies (New York, 1912)



This text was transcribed by historybuff at from Chess Facts & Fables by Edward Winter
