Café de la Régence, Paris, October 7, 1858
T. Hampton, Esq.
Secretary of St. George's Chess Club:
Sir: -- I beg respectfully to inform you that the New
Orleans Chess Club has deposited £500 at the Banking House of Messrs. Haywood &
Co,, London: that sum being my proportion of the stakes in the approaching match
with Mr. Staunton.
I shall esteem it a great honor if the St. George's
Chess Club will do me the favor of appointing my seconds in that contest. To
such gentlemen as they may appoint I leave the settling of all preliminaries.
May I request you to lay this communication before the
members of the Club and to oblige me with an early answer?
I have the honor to remain, Sir,
Your very humble and obed't servant,
Paul Morphy
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