Monte Carlo, 1903

Monte Carlo, 1903

This photograph of
the 1903 tournament at Monte Carlo,
sent to me by
Jan Kalendovský, first appeared in a
1902 edition
of Oesterreichische Illustrierte Zeitung.
Tournaments were held in Monte Carlo during the winters of
1901, 1902, 1903 and 1904. For the first three tournaments, the
co-organizers were Jules Arnous de Rivière and Prince Dadian.
According to the tournament book, one of the contestants in the 1902
tournament, David Janowski, was involved in a dispute with de Rivière
and as a result refused to participate and, since he indicated that he
wouldn't play if invited, he was never sent an invitation to play in
the 1903 tournament.
Tschigorin was invited instead but after he arrived after traveling to Monaco
from Russia, Prince Dadian objected to Tschigorin playing in this tournament.
Tschigorin was compensated 1500 francs, more than the value of the second
prize, for his troubles while the Austrian master, Heinrich Wolf, was
allowed to play in his stead.
The chess tournament at Monte Carlo, hosted by Prince
Dadian and Arnous de Rivière lasted from Feb.10 until
March 17, 1903. There were some strange incidents associated with it. The
tournament consisted of 14 contestants with each player matched with every
other player for two games each (each playing 26 games). Siegbert Tarrasch
won first place; Geza Maróczy, second; H. N. Pillsbury, third; Carl
Schlechter, fourth; and Richard Teichmann, fifth. However Colonel Moreau
earned the dubious distinction of
having lost all 26 of his games and placing 14th.
The rest :
6. Georg Marco, 7. Heinrich Wolf, 8. Jacques Mieses, 9. Frank Marshall, 10.
Jean Taubenhaus, 11. James Mason, 12. Adolf Albin, 13. Arturo Reggio.
Emil Kemeny, publisher and editor of the American Chess Weekly,
recorded the happenings at Monte Carlo for his Philadelphia periodical and
ran his articles from April 29 to June 18, 1903. Kemeny's articles on Monte
Carlo are almost exclusive and even comprise what is considered the
tournament book:
From the Monte Carlo 1903 report from
The American Chess Weekly
Tschigorin, one of the foremost exponents of the game, was invited to
the Monte Carlo Tournament and he accepted. In the various circulars
issued by the committee, his name was given as one of the competitors. He
started on his long and tedious journey, reaching Monte Carlo in due
time,- to be informed that he could not participate. President of the
committee, Prince Dadian of Mingrelia, either ordered his exclusion, or
intimated that he would not remain president unless Mr. de Rivière bars
Tschigorin, and action was taken accordingly.
Soon as the excitement subsided the writer made an effort to obtain the
facts leading up to such an extraordinary proceeding. The Prince being
requested to give his version of the case, consulted with a member of the
committee and then the writer was informed that an account will appear in
a British periodical and the same may be placed before American readers.
The account reads as follows
"Wednesday, the 11th, being an off day the president, Prince Dadian of
Mingrelia, gave a dinner to the officers and players at the Hotel des
Princes. The Duke de Dino and Commodore Delbois, two appreciative visitors
at the daily rounds, were to support the President, but the Commodore only
put in an appearance, the Duke de Dino having been indisposed. The masters
being desirous of an early withdrawal owing to the second round the
following morning, the host made an effort to let them depart without any
exhibition of their skill at the chess board. Since then the tournament
has passed off without hitch of any kind: it is, therefore, so much more
to be regretted that an incident which occurred before the tournament
commenced should have marred the proceedings. As the incident is certain
to be ventilated in the press, it may as well be mentioned at once.
"Tschigorin arrived on Sunday, and Wolf some days earlier. It was doubtful
whether the latter could be admitted, there would have been fifteen
instead of the fixed maximum of fourteen players. But Prince Dadian having
intimated a strong aversion to Tschigorin's participation, Wolf was
admitted in his place. The two other members of the committee pleaded
Tschigorin's cause, whereupon the Prince put the case into a nutshell by
declaring that if Tschigorin was admitted amongst the competitors he would
withdraw from the presidency and leave Monte Carlo that very day. In the
circumstances M. de Rivière had no option but to substitute Wolf for
Tschigorin. The Prince's reasons for insisting on the exclusion of
Tschigorin were that the latter, in spite of many acts of generosity on
the part of the Prince, had shown persistent animosity in the press,
articles which the Prince considers injuste et inaigne [unjust and
undignified]. These articles will be published in justification of the
president's action.
It is hardly conceivable that the Prince, who has won golden opinions
amongst the players by his courteous and charming manners should be
hostile to a Russian master without just cause, and here the matter rests
at present. No doubt Tschigorin will give his version to elucidate the
matter. The Prince, as a matter of fact, is willing to indemnify
Tschigorin to a reasonable extent" [The Field, February 21,1903
It is very true, that the Prince won golden opinions amongst the players
by his courteous and charming manners, and altogether the article gives a
brief and accurate account. But the writer wishes to take exception to the
paragraph having reference to Wolf. The passus is apt to mislead, for the
reader may infer, that one of the two experts had to be selected. This was
not the case, Tschigorin was accepted and notified, Wolf was not. He
filled the vacancy caused by the retirement of the Russian, but his
presence had no bearing on Tschigorin's exclusion.
Tschigorin was not able to throw much light on the subject, he has a very
limited command of any but the Russian language, and is not aware of
having given any cause for the drastic action taken. That much he recalls,
that having seen some of Prince Mingrelia's game, where the brilliancy was
unsound, he published them with copious notes pointing out how the Prince
should have lost. To select out of a score or more brilliant games, one or
two which happen to be unsound and exhibit them as samples of the Prince's
skill is not exactly right but, unfortunately there is no penalty for it.
Tschigorin also relates that last year when visiting the Kiev Chess Club,
he was invited by the Prince, but could not accept. These are about all
the facts known, and even if added- as is alleged to be the case, - that
at Kiev in a theatre or a circus Tschigorin passed by the Prince, without
taking any notice of him, - the crimes committed would possibly warrant
his not being invited to the dinner given, but surely not an exclusion
from the Tournament.
Some of the experts have seen translations of Tschigorin's column, and the
prevailing opinion is, that his criticism is severe and pointed. It is not
unlikely that some of the Prince's games, - admired as they are
everywhere, caused some envy, and Tschigorin probably attempted to
minimize their value. If there was a flaw in them, the shortcoming was
quickly exposed, what action he took regarding the other contests is not
known, but it is surmised that he gave some hints, indicating that such
games may not have been actually played, the opponents being unknown,
perhaps non-existent, etc. Endeavoring to belittle the Prince's
attainment, he might have unjustly upheld him to ridicule and contempt.
Unsubstantiated gossip as this is, it is placed before the reader, so as
to form a strong case against Tschigorin having done so, the writer wishes
to state that his sympathy is altogether with the Russian master, who
without trial or hearing of any kind was unceremoniously excluded from a
competition to which he was specially invited.
Tschigorin was indemnified to the sum of 1500 frcs., which is more than
the third prized amounted to, and that the incident did not hurt him
otherwise, is proved by the fact that the Vienna Chess Club promptly
invited him to participate in the coming contest.
From Novoe Vremya February 25 (March 10th), 1903, pg.3
The chess tournament at Monte Carlo was marred by an incident
unpleasant even to those Russians who have never played chess in their
lives. For Russian chess players especially the incident is extremely
insulting: the Russian champion M. I. Chigorin arrived at the tournament
after repeated invitations of the highest degree of courteousness from the
organizing committee, which was compelled to deny him participation in the
tournament due to the fact that the president of the tournament, Prince
Dadian of Mingrelia, had declared:
“It is either he, that is Mr. Chigorin, or I, we are not participating
And the committee organizing the tournament, it is better to say the
gambling casino, had given money to the prizes and then granted control of
everything to the “Juge Commissaire”, that is the organizer of the
tournament, who, after rather considerable vacillation, sacrificed
Chigorin. Naturally! Prince, son altesse serenissime etc.-all this
has a dazzling effect on the crowd, so it is no wonder at all that both
the casino and the organizer sacrificed the humble Russian Champion to a
brilliant title.
But the president of the tournament, one must suppose, had some reasons
for preventing Mr. Chigorin’s participation in the tournament? Probably he
had them, but what exactly these reasons were is not well known.
Let us assume Prince Dadian loves playing chess and mating his opponents,
but who really does not like to win in any game? Prince Dadian had
described his games in the chess journal “Strategie”, praising
himself very much and considering his combinations to be almost brilliant,
but is all the rest of the chess world supposed to share this opinion? Let
us assume M. I. Chigorin had dared to disapprove of a few of Prince
Dadian’s games and on examining them in “Novoe Vremya”, even, - Oh,
horror! -placed here and there some question marks(?), though it was done
quite correctly, without mentioning anyone’s name, but simply using the
opponent’s color in chess: “White”, “Black”. But perhaps this is the
reason the champion had a scandal caused by his compatriot?
And, of course, at no other tournament anywhere, other than Monte Carlo,
could something similar happen: here the tournament participants had no
vote, rather for the aforementioned reasons everything was put under the
control of the “Juge Commissaire” to whom Russian national pride
and derisive rumors about how strangely the Russian president of the
tournament caused a scandal for the Russian champion, were obviously
rather minor matters. In any case, it also would have befitted the
visiting president of the Monte Carlo tournament to behave in a tactful
–Fyerz (Queen)
Note: "Lashin," the author of the following two passages was
probably Bobrov 1 who was the columnist for Moscovskie Viedemostie.
These timely and apropos reports appeared as part of a special
series apparently entitled Among the Matadors of Chess Play and
referred specifically to the Vienna Gambit tournament.
Moscovskie Viedemostie, May 2, 1903
Among the Matadors of Chess Play
Before continuing my sketches of the goings on here at the International
Chess Congress, I feel myself compelled not to pass over silently those of
March of the current year of the strange actions of the Prince Dadian of
Mingrelia in demanding the exclusion of Mr. Tschigorin from the
Monte-Carlo tournament. The Prince Dadian of Mingrelia published some
explanation of the incident, but not in a Russian publication as should
have been expected due to the expression of bewilderment in Novoe
Vremya but in the French journal La Stratégie. In this
explanation there was brought forward against Mr. Tschigorin, first of
all, the accusation that Mr. Tschigorin being at one time in Kiev, did not
consider it necessary to appear at the "palace of the Prince" despite an
invitation, and , secondly, that Mr. Tschigorin somehow, sometime,
somewhere announced that apparently
he would not stand to participate in any tournament at which the Prince
Dadian of Mingrelia appeared in the role as Honored President or simply
The first accusation caused immediate horror to a few of the naive
participants of the Monaco tournament.
-What!-exclaimed one of them to Mr. Tschigorin, you were in Kiev and
didn't appear at the palace of the Prince (in Monaco they take the Prince
of Mingrelia for a real prince) and visiting his residence (that is Kiev)
you didn't appear at his court?
The second main charge cannot sustain any
sort of criticism, since it breaks up on the very fact of the arrival of
Mr. Tschigorin at the Monaco tournament, despite the presidency of it by
the Prince Dadian of Mingrelia.
The malice of the Prince Dadian of Mingrelia towards Mr. Tschigorin,
leading towards this sad and unworthy incident in Monaco, and the latter's
exclusion is explained solely by the displeasure of the Prince at the
critical analysis by Mr. Tschigorin in Russian publications of a few of
his games. How objective this analysis was evident from the fact that Mr.
Tschigorin often did not refer to the Prince by name, presenting only the
given position and analyzing it in a few words. And a few more words. In
the explanation of the Prince Dadian of Mingrelia, by the way, it is said,
that Mr. Tschigorin was generously compensated for the material losses he
It is not quite so, as against this Mr. Tschigorin protested in a very
determined manner. Mr. Tschigorin demanded satisfaction not from the
Prince but from the tournament committee and from its organizer, Mr.
Arnous de Rivière. He consequently, was only able to receive satisfaction
from the tournament committee, but not at all from the Prince, after he
threatened legal proceedings and spent almost two weeks in Monaco on this.
Moscovskie Viedemostie 28th of May 1903
Among the Matadors of Chess Play
The incident with Tschigorin at the last tournament at Monte-Carlo caused
by the strange actions of the Prince Dadian of Mingrelia was, by the way,
the topic of a discussion that took place at the just ended tournament
during a meeting of the members of the International Union of Chess
Masters (Internationaler Schachmeisters Bund). The trouble is that in the
French journal La Stratégie there was published a notice that Mr.
Tschigorin was barred from participating in the last Monte-Carlo
tournament by decision of the "committee" in common with the participants
of the tournament.
It goes without saying, of course, that this undoubted untruth was
fabricated by Mr. Arnous de Rivière, who affectionately calls himself the
"committee". Against this obvious falsehood the former participants of the
Monte-Carlo tournament and members of the aforementioned Union resolved to
protest in the name of the Union and instructed its secretary, Mr. Marco,
in this point to send a refutation of these libels to the journal La
At this very meeting, by the way, there was also raised the question,-How,
in view of the former generally unpleasant incidents at the tournaments in
Monte-Carlo, to accept an invitation to the tournament there from its
present impresario? Unfortunately, the Union only broached the question,
not taking any sort of decision! And among those previous incidents at
Monte-Carlo with Mr. Tschigorin, Dr. Tarrasch, Alapin, etc. show
that "something is rotten in the state of Denmark" and that it is
necessary to take determined measures to guard the honor, dignity and
personal interests of the chess matadors from the attempts by those on the
side of an impresario disguising himself as a "committee"...
The following two articles show the British Chess Magazine's
support of Dadian.
B. C. M., August, 1903.Pages 339-340
Dear Sir,
In your able report of the recent Monte Carlo Tournament, you allude to
the incidents in connection with the contest, but they are not quite
correctly stated. Having been away from town, at the Vienna Gambit
Tournament. I have only now seen the B.C. M. for April, and as
vice-president of the Monte Carlo Tournament , but more so in justice to
the venerable manager of the tourney, M. Arnous de Rivière, and His Serene
Highness Prince Dadian of Mingrelia, I consider it my duty to elucidate
the incidents, to which you refer, by a clear statement of facts.
First of all, M. Janowski told M. de Rivière publicly, and with
unnecessary animation, that “he would not take part in any tournament
conducted by him”, consequently he could not have expected an invitation
before withdrawing that statement. Moreover he announced at the Café de la
Régence that he would not play, even if he were invited. Much as
Janowski’s absence was regretted, it will be readily admitted that the
first step of reconciliation should have been made by him.
As to the Tschigorin incident, the facts are: H. S. H. Prince Dadian of
Mingrelia (president) did not threaten nor intimate “to withdraw his
handsome prize”. The Prince had reason to be seriously offended in
consequence of disparaging and libelous statements made by Tschigorin in
the Russian press about the Prince not only as a chess player. In these
circumstances the Prince did not desire to meet M. Tschigorin, and
tendered his resignation as president of the tournament. Now there was the
dilemma! The Prince had taken a deal of trouble about the success of the
tournament, and journeyed from Russia to Monte Carlo to witness the play.
But Tschigorin also journeyed from St. Petersburg to play in the
tournament, and had a right to play, or to receive compensation. The
Prince, therefore, offered to compensate him both for the prize which he
might have won, and for expenses incurred. He gave 1500 francs, and as the
second prize at Monte Carlo amounted to a little over 1100 francs,
Tschigorin was amply compensated, and said so in the receipt which he gave
when the money was handed over to him. Since then several statements have
been made that the administration and not the Prince had paid the above
amount to Tschigorin: this is not correct. The administration was not even
cognizant of the incident- it was entirely a matter between Tschigorin,
the Committee, and the Prince.
I shall be much obliged if you will kindly insert this letter in the B. C
M. for the next month.
Faithfully yours,
1, St. James Square,
Holland Park, London W.,
8th July, 1903
B. C. M. August,1903.Pages340-341.
The Monte Carlo Tournament.- The letter which appears in our present issue
over the signature of Mr. Leopold Hoffer, will be read with interest
by all who followed the progress of the recent contest at Monte Carlo. We
have not personally seen the “disparaging and libelous statements made by
Tschigorin in the Russian press”, but the action taken by His Serene
Highness Prince Dadian indicates clearly that he was greatly offended at
the conduct of Tschigorin, whom he had always previously treated with
courtesy. The generosity which marked the Prince’s action, in compensating
Tschigorin for actual and possible financial loss, was, in every sense of
the term, the act of a Nobleman, whose generous support of the game ought
at least to protect him from wanton criticism. The chess world cannot
afford to lose such patrons as His Serene Highness Prince Dadian of
Mingrelia, and no one should know this better than M. Tschigorin.
After the tournament -
Note by
Later in the year (Sept. 1903), the 3rd All-Russian Championship took
place in Kiev, Dadian's hometown. Dadian didn't offer any prizes in this
tournament but did host some of the participants at his home (not
Tschigorin, of course). A consultation game took place of Dadian &
Schiffers vs. Yurevich & Lebedev. This is the game where Dadian wanted to
make a crazy/unsound move and Schiffers was so annoyed about it he got up
and left the table, or so the story goes. Of course, Dadian won the game
brilliantly. There is an account in the Russian book by Grekov on
Tschigorin (1949 ed.) by a local player who met Tschigorin at this
tournament and talked with him and a few other players. As they are
sitting and discussing chess, Dadian walks by with one of the other
players and Tschigorin makes a sarcastic remark about their (the local
players') 'sponsor', meaning Dadian. In a footnote the writer explains the
likely scenario whereby Tschigorin and Dadian fell out (it is the same
that Panov gives): one of Dadian's aides approached Tschigorin, while he
was in Kiev in the Fall of 1902, with a generous offer of money for
Tschigorin to lose to Dadian - which is rebuffed. Afterwards, Tschigorin
published the game Yurevich-Lebedev from the tournament which won the
brilliancy prize in his column. Tschigorin claims that the game was
pre-arranged and that one of the players showed the game to him before it
was played. Yurevich wrote a letter to Novoe Vremya saying that the
game was real and that he intends to sue Tschigorin. Although it doesn't
look like he followed up on the threat it is interesting that Yurevich was
on fairly good terms with Dadian.
American Chess Bulletin, 1910. Page 269
"The death is reported from Kieff, Russia, of H.S.H. Prince Andre
Dadian de Mingrelie, who was long known as one of the most ardent amateur
chess enthusiasts and patrons. Chess literature contains many fine endings
actually played by him over the board and others composed by him. The late
prince was a staunch adherent of the old school of chess play and
delighted in the Morphy-like brilliancies he was fond of creating. In his
time, he broke a lance with every practitioner of note in Europe. An
edition de luxe of a collection of positions from his MS. games was
published by the late E. Schiffers for private circulation. Prince Dadian
was the president of the international congress held at Monte Carlo in
1903, at which occurred the unpleasant incident between him and the late
M. I. Tchigorin, Russian champion, which caused the latter to withdraw his
entry after having appeared upon the scene ready for play."
La Strategie, 1903:
"Before the drawing of the pairings an incident occurred: H.S.H the
Prince Dadian of Mingrelia who judged himself offended by articles
published by Mr. Chigorin in some Russian journals, declared that he
could not remain President if Mr. Chigorin took part in the tournament,
but that he would leave the committee and the other participants free to
make a decision. After deliberation and with the assent of the
participants, it was decided that Mr. Chigorin would not play, and an
indemnity, which is to be fixed, will be remitted to him."(La
Stratégie , page 51, 1903)
"H.S.H. the Prince Dadian of Mingrelia requests us to insert the
following communication:
...............In the May journal of Mr. Bobrov, page 171, one reads:
"La Stratégie says that Mr. Chigorin received from the Prince of
Mingrelia a gift of 1,500 francs as compensation and that this money
was given by the Prince......Tchigorin protested in the most formal
manner: he is said to have demanded compensation not from the Prince,
but from the tournament committee and that he did receive it from the
committee and not from the Prince."
There is a misunderstanding, it was my money that Mr. Chigorin received.
I had decided to give 4,000 francs, but Messrs. de Rivière
and Hoffer had told me that Mr. Chigorin demanded 1,500 francs, I
immediately consented. Mr. de Rivière sent to me a
receipt signed Mikhail Chigorin, in these terms "I the undersigned have
received from Mr. Arnous de Rivière, from the
account of M. the Prince Dadian of Mingrelia, president of the committee
of the tournament of 1903 at Monte Carlo, the sum of fifteen hundred
francs, that largely covers my expenses..."
As you said perfectly in La Stratégie, I would never have permitted Mr.
Chigorin to sustain the least material damage...."(La Stratégie, page
180, 1903)
from David Yanovsky, "Fizkultura i sport" Publishers, 1987,
p.185. by Sergey Voronkov and Dmitry Plisetsky
Chigorin undertook the journey from St. Petersburg, to
experience something incredible: his fellow-countryman, Prince Dadian of
Mingrelia, a well-known falsifier of “brilliant” games with little-known
players, imagining himself for a few hundred francs to be a chess Maecenas,
threatened to resign as president of the tournament committee, if
Chigorin, who, according to rumor, once offended him, were to play. The
managers, defending the interests of the gaming house, but not chess,
excluded Chigorin from the list of participants.
It seems, they were right protesting the tournament in Monte Carlo,
where chess has become a servant of roulette.
-“Sport a Hry”, Feb. 1903
In places removed from either Russia, the Ukraine or areas frequented by
Dadian, the prince was a somewhat mysterious character. The Canadian
periodical, Checkmate:A
Monthly Chess Chronicle, wrote, perhaps tongue-in-cheek:
It was one of Anderssen's favorite jokes (so his pupil Zukertort
related) to express doubts whether the famous Russian chess player
Petroff really existed. "Who ever saw him?" the Professor exclaimed. "
All his published games are with persons unknown: he was invented by the
Russians to give themselves a great master."
Similarly, one has heard playful doubts about the mysterious prince
Dadian of Mingrelia, who publishes brilliancies against otherwise
unknown performers at regular intervals. Can there be a syndicate for
the production of Mingrelian games? But perhaps he is real: and the
courtiers around the Mingrelian throne (-where is Mingrelia?) are
compelled to play weak moves until the proper sacrificial opportunity
comes to their sovereign. "Ave, Caesar,mataturi [morituri] te salutant." A
good composer of sui-mates should make his fortune in Mingrelia, and
might become a court favorite."
- Vol.2, #6, March, 1903, pg.127
Then upon gradually learning the details from the Monte Carlo Tournament,
followed up with
Dadian of Mingrelia has abundantly proved his reality. He is no myth,-but
a very active, even formidable personage. If the extraordinary story told
in the Field is correct, he will be reckoned among the Tyrants, -
in fact chess-players will have to plan a revolution if the free worship
of Caïssa is to continue. We are told that His Serene Highness on arriving
at Monte Carlo declared that Tschigorin must be excluded from the
tournament, on account of some alleged offensive references to the Prince
in chess periodicals. In default of such an exclusion the Prince would
resign his presidency and depart. And Tschigorin, the most distinguished
player - with the exception of Tarrasch - from his long standing among
masters, was ignominiously turned out!"
Vol.2,#7, April, 1903, pg.154
New York Times July 5, 1903
Arnous de Riviere Issues a Statement Regarding
Janowski, Alapin, and Tarrasch - Tschigorin's Position.
Arnous de Riviere of Paris, manager of the annual masters' chess
tournaments at Monte Carlo, has issued a statement. Janowski of France and
Alapin of Russia were not even invited to the third tournament held in
Monaco this year, as they were both under the ban of the Monte Carlo
management, and that Tschigorin, the Russian champion, having accepted an
invitation to play and journeyed all the way from St. Petersburg was
excluded on account if ill-feeling between him and Prince Dadian of
Mingrelia, President of the Chess Congress.
At the conclusion of the tournament, when the Prince of Monaco
offered a silver trophy to be competed for in a two days' contest, and the
management provided 1,400f. to supplement that prize, Dr. Tarrasch, the
first prize winner, demanded on the part of the competitors, that at least
3,000f. should be put up. The committee thereupon decided not to hold the
proposed contest, and instead presented the Monaco Cup to Pillsbury as
second prize winner in the big event. This action elicited severe
condemnation from Dr. Tarrasch. It has been taken for granted that in
consequence of these occurrences, Janowski, Alapin, Tschigorin, and
Tarrasch would not henceforth be asked to compete at Monte Carlo.
M. de Riviere, however states that this is not the case and
intimates that all the blame has been placed upon his shoulders when he
had been acting merely for and on instructions from his committee of which
Prince Dadian of Mingrelia ad Leopold Hoffer of London were members . He
says of other things:
"I see only one means of satisfying the future competitors, that
is, to reduce their number. My power has somewhat narrow limits. When I
made a choice for the constitution of a committee I must submit to its
decision as long as they are not opposed to the ideas of the Cercle des
Etrangers of which I am the delegated Commissary Judge. This is why, to my
great regret, I have seen Tschigorin out of the competition: he knows very
well that I have done everything possible to bring about a reconciliation.
If there is a tournament next year, M. Janowski will probably be invited
to enter his name, and also Dr. Tarrasch. As to M. Alapin, I shall be very
much disposed to admit him the day that the administration will authorize
me to do so.
Alapin, it should be added, brought suit against the Casino
management in connection with the Salta tournament held there three years
ago and forced a settlement. M. de Riviere does not refer to Tschigorin or
the likelihood of his playing hereafter, and the presumption is that the
breach between him and Prince Dadian is past healing.
It would be fair to add the following concerning the
identity of Bobrov:
In Genna Sosonko's book, The Reliable Past, I
came across a passage (I believe it was originally published in New in
Chess, 1961):
"A couple of months before this, the editor-in-chief
of 64, Alexander Borisovich Roshal, had achieved ths chess
number in terms of years. Roshal has been working in the magazine
for more than thirty years, since the time when it was founded, and
the young staff are convinced that under the pseudonym Bobrov,
Roshal published the magazine Shakhmatnoe obozrenie back at
the start of the last century."
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