
The following works cite Edo ratings.
  1. Tim Harding, Eminent Victorian Chess Players (McFarland, 2012) [link], pp.5,112,122,134,143-145,205,228,233,238,260,270,312,315-321,356,359,361,376,380
    • The standards of chess history writing have improved greatly in recent decades. Tim Harding is one of the best of the current group of writers producing accurate chess history and biography. This book is chess history at its best - well-researched but also a really enjoyable read. Edo ratings are used quite extensively.
  2. Tim Harding, Joseph Henry Blackburne, A Chess Biography (McFarland, 2015) [link], pp.542,550
    • Thorough, comprehensive, impeccably written, and deeply researched. Amongst the recent crop of new chess biographies, this is one of a handful that stand out above the rest. Some player and tournament information from the Edo website is discussed.
  3. Tim Harding, British Chess Literature to 1914 (McFarland, 2018) [link], pp.56,202,292,362,370
    • By far the best account of literature on Chess in Britain and Ireland ever published, and immediately indispensible to anyone researching chess history before the First World War. While it doesn't have the worldwide coverage of Whyld's list of chess columns, or Di Felice's list of chess periodicals, it covers all forms of chess literature (columns, magazines, books, and even websites) in the British context comprehensively and accurately, clarifying a great deal of confusion in some areas. And besides, it is thoroughly readable. Edo ratings are mentioned here and there, and are discussed briefly in the section on websites and databases.
  4. Tim Harding, Steinitz in London (McFarland, 2020) [link], pp.93,148,160,237,383,399
    • Another quality Harding biography.
  5. Stephen Davies, Samuel Lipschütz, A Life in Chess (McFarland, 2015) [link], pp.1,28,336,352
    • Another biography of a very high standard. Edo ratings are mentioned in several places.
  6. Hans Renette, H.E. Bird, a Chess Biography (McFarland, 2016) [link], p.573
    • Another of McFarland's excellent series of historical chess biographies. The Edo ratings website is listed in the bibliography.
  7. Hans Renette and Fabrizio Zavatarelli, Neumann, Hirschfeld and Suhle, 19th Century Berlin Chess Biographies (McFarland, 2018) [link], pp.323,363
    • Renette and Zavatarelli have both produced a number of top-level chess biographies in recent years with interesting subjects, as in this book. Edo ratings are mentioned and listed in the bibliography.
  8. Hans Renette, Louis Paulsen, A Chess Biography (McFarland, 2019) [link], pp.329,429
    • Another substantial biography by Renette. Edo ratings are mentioned and listed in the bibliography.
  9. Fabrizio Zavatarelli, Ignaz Kolisch (McFarland, 2015) [link], pp.57
    • A well-researched and engaging biography. Edo ratings are mentioned.
  10. Tony Cullen, Chess Rivals of the 19th Century (McFarland, 2021) [link], throughout
    • All 50 biographies give a peak Edo rating, and Edo ratings are mentioned in other contexts as well.
  11. Jorge Magioncalda, Primer Torneo Internacional de Mar del Plata - 1928 (Ajedrez Didactico)
    • A new book I haven't seen yet.
  12. Rémi Coulom, Whole History Rating: A Bayesian Rating System for Players of Time-Varying Strength (in: H. Jaap van den Herik, et al., eds., Computers and Games: 6th International Conference, CG 2008, Springer, 2008) [link, preprint], pp.113-124
    • Coulom's Whole History Ratings are based on the same principle as the Edo ratings, and were invented independently (though Coulom acknowledges that his came slightly later).
  13. Pierre Dangauthier, et al., Trueskill Through Time: Revisiting the History of Chess (in: J.C. Platt, et al., eds., NIPS'07, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Curran, 2007) [link, preprint], pp.337-344
    • Dangauthier and colleagues developed Trueskill Through Time using Bayesian networks, along quite similar lines to Edo (or Whole History) Ratings.
  14. Frederic Friedel, Historical Chess Ratings - dynamically presented (ChessBase, 2016)
    • Friedel has a brief article on Edo ratings, mainly presenting the wonderful video by Cary Huang, which animates ratings over history, seamlessly melding Edo ratings for the early years, then ChessMetrics ratings, and finally FIDE ratings for the more recent years.
  15. Cary Huang, The history of the top chess players over time (YouTube, 2016)
    • Here is a direct link to the video mentioned above.
  16. Edward Winter, Chess Note 6472. Historical ratings (30 Jan. 2010)
    • This Chess Note item links to the Edo Historical Chess Ratings site.
  17. Edward Winter, Chess Note 11636. 'Edward Herley' (24 Dec. 2019)
    • This Chess Note item has a link to my Edward Healey page.
  18. zanzibar, EDO rating graphs in SCID (2017)
    • zanzibar has managed to include Edo ratings in the SCID program.
  19. Bill Wilson, New Zealand Chess History
    • Links to Edo ratings in some of the biography pages.