References: Periodicals

    64    64
    AA    Aachener Anzeiger
    AAM    The Anglo-American Magazine
    ABCM    ABC (Madrid)
    ABCS    ABC de Sevilla
    ABl    Aftonbladet
    ABP    Amrita Bazar Patrika
    ABWE    Albury Banner and Wodonga Express
    ACB    American Chess Bulletin
    ACJ    American Chess Journal
    ACMa    American Chess Magazine    1846-1847    1875-1875
    ACMo    American Chess Monthly
    AdEx    Adelaide Express
    Age    The Age (Melbourne)
    AH    Algemeen Handelsblad
    AjeL    El Ajedrez (Lima)
    AjeS    El Ajedrez (Spain)
    Alb    Albion (New York)    1848-1874
    AlSZ    Allgemeine Sport-Zeitung
    AMS    Akademisches Monatscheft für Schach
    Amst    De Amsterdammer
    ANot    A Noticia
    AO    Adelaide Observer
    APZ    Augsburger Postzeitung
    Argo    The Argonaut
    Argus    The Argus (Melbourne)
    ArSZ    Arbeiter Schachzeitung
    AS    Auckland Star
    ATCJ    Australian Town and Country Journal
    AtSS    Atlanta Sunny South
    Aus    The Australasian
    AZ    Allgemeine Zeitung
    AZW    Arbeiter Zeitung Wien
    BaACA    Baltimore American and Commercial Advertiser
    BaAm    Baltimore American
    BaH    Bayonne Herald    1872-1873
    BaS    The Ballarat Star
    BBZ    Berliner Börsen-Zeitung
    BCC    Brooklyn Chess Chronicle
    BCM    British Chess Magazine
    BCR    British Chess Review    1853-1854
    BCWG    Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
    BDE    Brooklyn Daily Eagle    1841-1875
    BDG    Boston Daily Globe
    BDM    Daily Mail (Brisbane)
    BDP    Birmingham Daily Post
    BDT    Brooklyn Daily Times
    BECR    Buffalo Evening Courier and Republic
    Bek    Békés
    BESN    British Endgame Study News
    BET    Boston Evening Transcript
    BFCA    Boletín de la Federación catalana de ajedrez
    BG    Birmingham Gazette
    BHE    Burlington Hawk-Eye
    BIN    Berliner Illustrierte Nachtausgabe
    BJO    British Journal of Ophthalmology
    BLL    Bell's Life in London    1822-1875
    BLS    Bell's Life in Sydney
    BLV    Bell's Life in Victoria
    BM    The British Miscellany
    BMDP    The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post
    BMN    Belfast Morning News
    BN    Bataviaasch Nieuwsblad
    BNL    Belfast News-Letter
    BNP    Bury and Norwich Post (and Suffolk Herald)
    BO    Bradford Observer
    Board    The Board
    BoH    Boston Herald
    BoP    Boston Post
    BP    Badisches Presse
    BPT    Bay of Plenty Times
    BrAm    Brazilian American
    BrC    Brisbane Courier
    BrM    The Bristol Mercury
    BrR    Brooklyn Review    1874-1874
    BrS    Brandenburgische Schachzeitung
    Brud    Brüderschaft
    BSB    Baltische Schachblätter
    BSN    Baltimore Sunday News
    BSS    Budapesti Sakk-Szemle
    BSU    Brooklyn Standard Union
    BSZ    Berliner Schachzeitung
    BT    Berliner Tageblatt
    BTHZ    Berliner Tageblatt und Handels-Zeitung
    BuACA    Bulletin of the American Chess Association
    BuG    Buffalo Globe    1875-1875
    Buh    Die Bühne
    Bun    Bunyip (Gawler, South Australia)
    BVZ    Berliner Volkszeitung
    BWJ    Berrow's Worcester Journal
    BWM    Birmingham Weekly Mercury
    Cai    Caissa
    CalM    The Caledonian Mercury
    CamR    The Cambridge Review
    CapM    Capablanca Magazine
    CaS    Canadian Spectator
    CAus    Le Courrier Australien
    CBIN    Centraal blad voor Israëlieten in Nederland
    CCC    Columbia Chess Chronicle
    CCG    Cincinnati Commercial Gazette
    CCR    California Chess Reporter
    CCS    Časopis českých šachistů
    CdC    Chelmsford Chronicle
    CDN    Cambridge Daily News
    CeSl    České Slovo
    ChM    Checkmate
    ChR    Chess Review
    ChTr    Chicago Tribune    1875-1875
    CI    El Cojo Illustrado
    CIN    Canadian Illustrated News    1869-1874
    CLCM    City of London Chess Magazine    1874-1876
    CLJ    Canada Law Journal
    CLS    České Listy Šachové
    CmC    Cheltenham Chronicle
    CMDH    Cleveland Morning Daily Herald
    CML    The Chess Monthly (London)
    CMNY    The Chess Monthly (New York)    1857-1860
    CN    Caissa Nieuws
    CoAp    Commercial Appeal
    ColL    The Colonist (Launceston, Tasmania)
    CoMa    Correio de Manhã
    ComL    El Comercio (Lima)
    Como    Comoedia
    Cor    Corsair
    CP    The Chess Player    1851-1853
    CPau    Correio Paulistano
    CPC    Chess Player's Chronicle    1841-1875
    CPM    Chess Player's Magazine    1863-1867
    CPQC    Chess Player's Quarterly Chronicle    1868-1871
    CSN    Charleston Sunday News
    CSR    Československá Republika
    CSS    Československý Šach
    CTW    Chess in Tryavna and the World
    CW    The Chess World    1865-1869
    CWe    Chess Weekly
    CWM    Weekly Mail (Cardiff)
    CYC    Caras Y Caretas
    DAC    Daily Alta California    1851-1860
    DanN    Danbury News
    DaSZ    Danziger Sonntags-Zeitung
    DAZ    Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung
    DCA    Dundee Courier and Argus    1862-1863
    DCJ    Dubuque Chess Journal    1872-1873    1875-1876
    DDE    Dublin Daily Express
    DDG    Davenport Daily Gazette    1859-1859
    DdlM    Diario de la Marina
    DDT    Derby Daily Telegraph
    DeCh    Democrat and Chronicle
    DEG    Devon and Exeter Gazette
    DeM    The Derby Mercury
    Dem    El Democrata
    Dep    Los Deportes
    DET    Dundee Evening Telegraph
    DFP    Detroit Free Press    1859-1859    1875-1875
    DGA    Duisburger General-Anzeiger
    DH    El Diario del Hogar
    Dial    The Dial (London)    1861-1861
    Dil    El Diluvio
    DM    The Daily Mail (London)
    DN    The Daily News (London)
    DNat    Diario Nacional
    DNy    Dagens Nyheter
    DOSZ    Deutschösterreichische Tageszeitung
    DPFP    Dundee, Perth and Forfar People's Journal
    DR    Denken und Raten
    DrN    Dresdner Nachrichten
    DRPS    Deutscher Reichsanzeiger und Preussischer Staatsanzeiger
    DSA    Düsseldorfer Stadt-Anzeiger
    DSB    Deutsche Schachblätter
    DSC    Daily Southern Cross
    DSZ    Deutsche Schachzeitung    1846-1848
    DT    Daily Telegraph
    DTC    Daily Telegraph and Courier
    DTZ    Deutsche Tageszeitung
    DuC    Dundee Courier
    DVZ    Deutsche Volkszeitung
    DW    Deutsches Wochenschach
    DWBS    Deutsches Wochenschach und Berliner Schachzeitung
    DZG    Dagblad van Zuidholland en 's Gravenhage
    DZO    Deutsche Zeitung im Ostland
    EA    Essener Anzeiger
    Ech    L'Echiquier
    EEN    Edinburgh Evening News
    EF    L'Echiquier Français
    EG    EG
    EJA    Evening Journal (Adelaide)
    ElSp    El Sport
    Emp    Empire (Sydney)
    EnM    English Mechanic    1872-1873
    ENS    Evening News (Sydney)
    EP    The Evening Post (Wellington)
    Era    The Era    1838-1873
    ES    Evening Standard
    ESIC    L'Eco della Scienza, dell'Industria e del Commercio
    EsM    Estrategia Mexicana
    ESO    The Evening Star (Otago)
    ETAd    Express and Telegraph (Adelaide)
    ETI    El Tiempo Ilustrado
    EVZ    Essener Volks-Zeitung
    Exc    Excelsior
    EZ    Estländische Zeitung
    FFDR    Fargo Forum and Daily Republican
    FH    Falkirk Herald
    Fig    El Figaro
    FJ    Freeman's Journal
    Fld    The Field    1873-1876
    FLIN    Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper    1855-1861
    FLNJ    Frank Leslie's New York Journal    1855-1856
    FM    Fraser's Magazine
    FN    A Folha Nova
    FNW    Freeport North-West    1866-1866
    FS    Frei Schach!
    FSZ    Frankfurter Schachzeitung
    FV    Farmers Voice
    GAB    Göteborgs Aftonblad
    GdN    Gazeta de Noticias
    GEPP    Goulburn Evening Penny Post
    GG    Glasgow Gazette
    GH    The Glasgow Herald
    GJ    The Gentleman's Journal
    Glo    The Globe (London)
    GM    The Gentleman's Magazine
    GTB    Grazer Tagblatt
    Gua    The Guardian
    GVB    Grazer Volksblatt
    GWH    Glasgow Weekly Herald
    GWT    Georgia Weekly Telegraph    1866-1867
    HaAd    Hampshire Advertiser
    HaCl    Hannibal Clipper    1875-1875
    HaCr    The Harvard Crimson
    HAn    Hamburger Anzeiger
    Harp    Harper's    1858-1859
    HaS    Hastings Standard
    HBH    Hawke's Bay Herald
    HCM    Huddersfield College Magazine    1872-1876
    HCor    Hamburgischer Correspondent
    HCou    Haagsche Courant
    HCWYA    Huddersfield Chronicle and West Yorkshire Advertiser
    HDN    Hull Daily News
    HEC    Halifax Evening Courier
    HFB    Hamburger Fremdenblatt
    HM    The Herald (Melbourne)
    HMNH    Hackney Mercury and North London Herald
    HN    Hamburger Nachrichten
    HNNI    Het Nieuws van den Dag voor Nederlandsch-Indië
    HoCM    Household Chess Magazine    1865-1865
    HomC    Home Circle    1849-1853
    HR    Hildener Rundschau
    HS    Hamilton Spectator
    HSA    Hebrew Standard of Australia
    HSKZ    Hamburg Schachklub Klub Zeitung
    HSLO    Hastings and St. Leonards Observer
    HSUL    History Studies: University of Limerick History Society Journal
    HTB    Hamburger Tageblatt
    HTSC    Hampshire Telegraph and Sussex Chronicle
    HWT    Hartford Weekly Times    1871-1875
    ICM    The International Chess Magazine
    IFJ    Illustrirtes Familien-Journal    1867-1867
    IJ    Ipswich Journal
    IKZ    Illustrierte Kronen Zeitung
    ILM    Illustrated London Magazine
    ILN    Illustrated London News    1842-1878
    IlSv    Illustrovaný Svět
    Imp    El Imparcial
    IN    Innsbrucker Nachrichten
    Inf    El Informador
    INW    Illustrierte Neue Welt
    INYJ    Illustrated New York Journal    1854-1854
    IP    Irish Press
    IS    L'Italia Scacchistica
    ISDN    Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News    1874-1875
    ISN    Illustrated Sydney News
    ItSc    L'Italia Schacchistica
    IWE    Illustrirtes Wiener Extrablatt
    IZL    Illustrirte Zeitung (Leipzig)    1843-1871
    JAd    The Journal (Adelaide)
    JaZi    Jaunākās Ziņas
    JCREB    Journal du C.R.E.B.
    JDC    Jackson Daily Citizen
    JdC    Jornal do Commercio
    JR    Judische Rundschau
    Kais    Kaissiber
    Kar    Karjala
    KaT    Karlsruhe Tagblatt
    Know    Knowledge
    KNS    Kagan's Neueste Schachnachrichten
    KNWT    Kensington News and West London Times
    KSC    Kent and Sussex Courier
    KuT    Kumara Times
    KZ    Kölnische Zeitung
    LAH    Los Angeles Herald
    LaP    La Presse (Montreal)
    LAT    Los Angeles Times
    Lat    Latvis
    LBMD    London Births, Marriages and Deaths    1872-1872
    LCF    London Chess Fortnightly
    LCLM    Leicester Chronicle and Leicestershire Mercury
    LCM    Lasker's Chess Magazine
    LCMP    La Capital (Mar del Plata)
    LD    Listín Diario
    LE    Launceston Examiner
    LeM    The Leeds Mercury
    LENP    London Evening News and Post
    LeT    Leeds Times
    LF    London Figaro
    LG    London Gazette
    LiM    The Liverpool Mercury    1811-1875
    LMWS    Leeds Mercury Weekly Supplement
    LN    Lidové Noviny
    LoM    The London Mercury
    LT    Lyttelton Times
    LTA    Leipziger Tageblatt und Anzeiger
    Luch    La Lucha
    LW    Land and Water
    MaAd    Malvern Advertiser
    MaG    Manchester Guardian
    MaM    Maitland Mercury
    MaSZ    Magdeburger Schachzeitung    1849-1850
    MaT    Macon Telegraph    1866-1866
    MaWT    Manchester Weekly Times
    MBl    Morgenbladet
    MC    Morning Chronicle (London)
    MCLA    Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser
    MCR    Maryland Chess Review    1874-1875
    MDH    Montreal Daily Herald
    MDR    Meriden Daily Republican    1874-1875
    MDW    Montreal Daily Witness
    MeL    The Leader (Melbourne)
    Merc    El Mercurio
    MeWT    The Weekly Times (Melbourne)
    MFP    Manitoba Free Press
    MGA    Mannheimer General-Anzeiger
    MiJ    Minneapolis Journal
    Min    La Minerve
    MiTr    Minneapolis Tribune
    MNN    Münchner Neueste Nachrichten
    MO    Morning Oregonian
    MoG    Montreal Gazette
    Mos    El Mosaico
    MoT    Montreal Transcript
    MP    The Morning Post
    MS    Manawatu Standard
    MSV    Magyar Sakkvilag
    MTWW    Montreal Tri-Weekly Witness
    MuAn    Münsterischer Anzeiger
    Mun    Munsey's Magazine
    Mund    El Mundo
    MuSZ    Münchener Schachzeitung
    MWEG    Manchester Weekly Express and Guardian
    MWER    Manchester Weekly Express and Review
    MWET    Manchester Weekly Examiner and Times
    MWNY    The Musical World (New York)    1859-1859
    MWW    Montreal Weekly Witness
    Nac    La Nación
    NBDM    North British Daily Mail
    NBSZ    Neue Berliner Schachzeitung    1864-1871
    NCG    New Court Gazette    1840-1840
    NDA    Nashville Daily American
    NDAZ    Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung
    NDB    Nýja Dagblaðið
    NDz    Nowy Dziennik
    NeCo    Newcastle Courant
    NeJ    Newcastle Journal
    NENZC    Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle
    NES    Newark Evening Star
    NFP    Neue Freie Presse
    NG    Nottinghamshire Guardian
    NHZ    Neue Hamburger Zeitung
    NIZ    Neue Illustrirte Zeitung
    NL    Národní Listy
    NMHMA    Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners Advocate
    NN    Norfolk News
    NoA    Northern Advocate (Whangarei)
    NODP    New Orleans Daily Picayune    1837-1858
    NoJ    Nottingham Journal
    NOSD    New Orleans Sunday Delta    1858-1860
    NOSS    New Orleans Sunday Star    1865-1866
    NOTD    New Orleans Times-Democrat
    NOTP    Times-Picayune (New Orleans)
    NR    La Nouvelle Régence    1860-1864
    NRC    Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant
    NRFM    National Rural and Family Magazine
    NRiS    Nuova Rivista degli Scacchi
    NS    Norsk Schakblad
    NSC    Newark Sunday Call    1875-1875
    NTag    Der Neue Tag
    NU    Nashville Union
    NuCi    Nuestro Círculo
    NvhN    Nieuwsblad van het Noorden
    NWA    Neues Wiener Abendblatt
    NWJ    Neues Wiener Journal
    NWSZ    Neue Wiener Schachzeitung
    NWT    Neues Wiener Tagblatt
    NYC    New York Clipper    1853-1875
    NYDG    New York Daily Graphic
    NYEP    New York Evening Post
    NYET    New York Evening Telegram
    NYH    New York Herald
    NYL    New York Ledger    1859-1860
    NYR    New York Recorder
    NYS    New York Sun
    NYSP    New York Saturday Press    1858-1860
    NYSZ    New Yorker Staats Zeitung
    NYTi    New York Times
    NYTr    New York (Daily) Tribune
    NYW    New York World
    NZ    Neue Zeit
    NZCC    New Zealand Chess Chronicle
    NZH    New Zealand Herald
    NZM    New Zealand Mail
    NZT    New Zealand Times
    NZZ    Neue Zürcher Zeitung
    OA    Os Annaes
    Ob    The Observer (London)
    OC    Ottawa Citizen
    OCC    The Osage County Chronicle
    ODJ    Oregon Daily Journal
    ODMP    Ostdeutsche Morgenpost
    ODT    Otago Daily Times
    OH    Opus Habana
    OImp    O Imparcial
    OJ    Ottawa Journal
    OKC    Österreichische Kunst-Chronik
    OL    Oesterreichische Lesehalle
    OM    Oamaru Mail
    Opin    La Opinion
    OSR    Österreichische Schachrundschau
    OSZ    Österreichische Schachzeitung
    OW    Otago Witness
    PAC    The Press of Atlantic City
    PAH    Przegląd Archiwalno-Historyczny
    Pais    El Pais
    Pal    Le Palamède    1836-1847
    Pat    La Patrie
    PB    The Palestine Bulletin
    PBH    Poverty Bay Herald
    PDEB    Philadelphia Daily Evening Bulletin    1864-1870
    PDN    Daily News (Perth)
    PF    Le Palamède Français    1864-1865
    PH    Phila Historica
    Phil    The Philidorian    1837-1838
    PI    Philadelphia Inquirer
    PiT    Pilsner Tagblatt
    PM    El Pablo Morphy
    PMG    Pall Mall Gazette
    PMI    Paris Le Monde Illustré    1861-1863
    PoLi    Podelní List
    PP    The Palestine Post
    PPG    Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
    Ppl    The People
    PrC    The Press (Christchurch)
    PrLi    Právo Lidu
    PRSE    Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
    PrT    Prager Tagblatt
    PSoT    Porter's Spirit of the Times    1856-1857
    PST    The Sunday Times (Perth)
    PWM    Western Mail (Perth)
    QCH    Quarterly for Chess History
    QDT    Quebec Daily Telegraph
    QMC    Quebec Morning Chronicle
    QR    The Quarterly Review
    QTIH    Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser
    Que    The Queenslander
    Quot    Le Quotidien
    RA    La Revista de Ajedrez
    RBX    Revista Brasileira de Xadrez
    RCAA    Revista del Club Argentino de Ajedrez
    RE    La Revue d'Echecs
    Reg    La Régence    1849-1856
    RegA    The Register (Adelaide)
    RGA    Remscheider General-Anzeiger
    RIA    Revista Internacional de Ajedrez
    RiS    La Rivista degli Scacchi    1859-1859
    RL    Ruy López
    RMBA    Revista Musical e de Bellas Artes
    RN    Rotterdamsch Nieuwsblad
    RR    Rigasche Rundschau
    RRS    Revista Română de Úah
    RSB    Rigasche Stadtblätter
    RSem    Revista da Semana
    RSI    Rivista Scacchistica Italiana
    RSNZ    Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand
    RT    The Round Table    1869-1869
    RV    Rheinische Volkswacht
    RZ    Rigasche Zeitung
    SA    Seanchas Ardmhacha
    SAA    South Australian Advertiser
    SACWM    South Australian Chronicle and Weekly Mail
    SaH    Sport a Hry
    Sam    Der Sammler
    SAR    South Australian Register
    SaTy    Šachový Týden
    SAWC    South Australian Weekly Chronicle
    SaZi    Salacgrīvas Ziņas
    Sch    Schach
    Scot    The Scotsman
    SDR    Sherbrooke Daily Record
    SDS    Syracuse Daily Standard    1857-1859
    SDSB    Süddeutsche Schachblätter
    SDSZ    Südwestdeutsche Schachzeitung
    SDU    San Diego Union
    Seg    Segodnia
    SFCa    San Francisco Call
    SFCh    San Francisco Chronicle
    SFE    San Francisco Examiner
    SGP    Soap Gazette and Perfumer
    SGRO    Somerset Guardian and Radstock Observer
    SH    Szekesfehérvári Hirlap
    Shak    Shakhmaty
    ShDT    Sheffield Daily Telegraph
    ShI    The Sheffield Independent
    ShL    Shakhmati
    ShR    Shakhmaty (Riga)
    ShvS    Shakhmaty v SSSR
    SI    Sport Illustrado
    Sigl    El Siglo (Diez y Neuve)
    Sis    Sissa    1847-1872
    SJG    Saint John Globe
    SJN    Sydney Jewish News
    SKN    Staatsblad van het Koningrijk der Nederlanden
    SLGD    Saint Louis Globe-Democrat
    SLk    Shakhmatniy Listok
    SLM    Sharpe's London Magazine
    SLPD    Saint Louis Post-Dispatch
    SLT    Salt Lake Tribune
    SLy    Šachové Listy
    SMag    Schach-Magazin 64
    SMH    Sydney Morning Herald
    SMJ    Shepton Mallet Journal
    SMNA    Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser
    Sonn    Der Sonntag
    SoT    Spirit of the Times (New York)    1845-1875
    SPG    The Saint Paul Globe
    Sph    Le Sphinx    1865-1867
    SpM    The Sportsman
    Spn    Sporten
    SRef    Scottish Referee
    SRep    The Scranton Republican
    SRI    Sheffield and Rotherham Independent
    SRU    The Record-Union (Sacramento)
    SS    Suomen Shakki
    SSB    Schweizer Sportblatt
    SSD    Sydsvenska Dagbladet
    SSp    Schachspiegel
    SST    The Sunday Times (Sydney)
    SSu    The Sun (Sydney)
    SSZ    Schweizerische Schachzeitung
    ST    The Sunday Times    1822-1875
    StaB    De Standaard (Belgium)
    StaL    The Standard (London)
    STB    Sporttagblatt
    StCh    Star (Christchurch)
    StD    Stockholms Dagblad
    StI    The Staten Islander
    StM    Stamford Mercury
    Str    La Stratégie    1867-1868
    StS    The Staffordshire Sentinel
    Stun    Die Stunde
    SuA    The Successful American
    SuM    Surrey Mirror
    SV    Shakhmatny Vestnik
    SvD    Svenska Dagbladet
    Svet    Světozor
    SW    Schachwart
    SWS    Semi-Weekly Spectator (Hamilton)
    SwSz    Swiat Szachowy
    SyDT    The Daily Telegraph (Sydney)
    SyM    Sydney Mail    1867-1870
    SZ    Schachzeitung    1846-1871
    Szac    Szachista
    SzP    Szachista Polski
    Szy    Szachy
    Tabl    El Tablero
    TAN    Te Aroha News
    TB    Tagblatt
    TBB    Tagesbote Brünn
    TDC    The Topeka Daily Capital
    TDM    Toronto Daily Mail
    Tel    De Telegraaf
    TelB    The Telegraph (Brisbane)
    TeS    Tiro e Sport
    TFF    Turf, Field and Farm    1865-1871
    TFS    Tidskrift För Schack
    TG    The Globe (Toronto)
    Tim    The Times (London)
    TLS    Times Literary Supplement
    TMH    Tasmanian Morning Herald
    TNS    Tijdschrift van den Nederlandschen Schaakbond
    ToI    The Times of India
    TP    Tallinna Post
    TPL    Tages-Post (Linz)
    TR    The Two Republics
    Trib    La Tribuna
    TS    Thames Star
    TSJ    Topeka State Journal
    TSK    The Telegraph (Saint Kilda)
    UN    Utrechtsch Nieuwsblad
    Univ    El Universal
    UVor    Unterhaltungsblatt des Vorwärts
    Vad    Het Vaderland
    Van    La Vanguardia
    VB    Völkischer Beobachter
    VDC    Victoria Daily Colonist
    Ven    Venkov
    Vis    Vísir
    VL    Vårt Land
    Voor    Voorwaarts
    VZ    Vossische Zeitung
    WAd    Williamstown Advertiser
    WAge    Wairarapa Age
    WAZ    Wiener Allgemeine Zeitung
    WB    Westminster Budget
    WBB    Wiesbadener Bade-Blatt
    WC    Wanganui Chronicle
    WDP    Western Daily Press
    WDWM    Warder and Dublin Weekly Mail
    Week    The Week
    WES    Washington Evening Star
    WFK    Westfälischer Kurier
    WFZ    Westfälische Zeitung
    WIT    Weekly Irish Times
    WLZ    Westfälische Landeszeitung
    WMTe    Winnipeg Morning Telegram
    Wom    Womanhood
    WP    Westminster Papers    1868-1876
    WR    Watertown Re-union    1873-1875
    WSMS    Wilmington Sunday Morning Star
    WSoT    Wilkes' Spirit of the Times    1860-1866
    WSZ    Wiener Schachzeitung    1855-1855
    WT    Western Times (Exeter)
    WTr    Winnipeg Tribune
    YH    York (Yorkshire) Herald
    YP    Yorkshire Post
    YPLI    Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer
    ZI    Zurcher Illustrierte