Barnes, R.J. – Mackay, W. (1) 1896

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Barnes, Richard    1988 (57) 8.5/13 
Mackay, William (1)    1909 (60) 4.5/13 
Status: formal

Event table notes

Event data
Place: Wellington
Start date: 19 June 1896
End date: Oct. 1896
The Press (Christchurch) off 26 Sep. 1896 (p.3) gives the result to date as +6-2=3 for Barnes, and the New Zealand Mail of 2 Dec. 1897 (p.7) says that the result of their match in 1897, i.e., +6-2=5 for Barnes, was exactly the same as the result of their previous match. I will guess that the last game was played in Oct. 1896, though it might have been in the last few days of Sep. 1896.

Match page created: 5 Sept. 2021