Lisitsin, G.M. – Ebralidze, A.S. 1936

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Lisitsin, Georgy    2476 (30) 9/16 
Ebralidze, Archil    2379 (35) 7/16 
Status: formal

Event table notes

Event data
Place: Tbilisi
Start date: 1936
End date: 1936
Popovsky has a match Lisitsin - Ebralidze in Tbilisi 1936 with result +4-2=10, and a match Lisitsin - Ebralidze in 1937 with result +4-2=10. These seem likely to be the same match, but it is not clear whether it was played in 1936 or 1937. I will guess at 1936.
   Popovsky, Alexey.  [Classification(master) matches- 1937]
   Popovsky, Alexey.  [Match- Tbilisi 1936]

Match page created: 17 Dec. 2024