Bradford 1873 (2)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Liversedge, A.    3 /
Hodgson (2)    0 /
Whalley, William    2 /
Empsall, Thomas    1 /
Boyd, Edward    3 /
Emmanuel    0 /
Roberts, George (1)    3 /
Roberts, K.L.    0 /
Hood, Benjamin    3 /
Wright, W.T.    0 /
Onions, George    1850 (83) 2 /
Senyard    1694 (150) 1 /
Murgatroyd, J.J.    3 /
Shackleton    0 /
Hopkinson, J.    0 /
Hartop, William    3 /
Boyd, S.    3 /
Wyrill    0 /
Hood, Samuel    0 /
Shepherd, R.S.    3 /
Armitage, J.    0 /
Guy, William    3 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: East Ward Central Liberal - Little Horton Liberal Club Match
Place: Bradford
Start date: 15 Mar. 1873
End date: 15 Mar. 1873
The identities of some of the players are only tentative.
   Mann, Steve.  [Yorkshire Chess History - 1873: East Ward Central Lib. v Little Horton Lib.]

Tournament page created: 17 Dec. 2017