Sydney and Melbourne 1884

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Heiman, David    2027 (95) 0 /
Fisher, Charles    2272 (89) 1 /
Hamel, Julius    1835 (109) 0 /
Channon, John    1830 (140) 1 /
Tullidge, William    2170 (88) 1 /
Witton, John    1976 (96) 0 /
Burns, Andrew    2217 (97) 0 /
Crane, William    2306 (85) 1 /
Russell, George    1991 (94) 0 /
Gossip, George    2282 (52) 1 /
Esling, Frederick    2337 (79) 1 /
Chamier, Anthony    2184 (109) 0 /
Fleming, A.    2089 (131) 1 /
Channon, James    2031 (130) 0 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 11th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match
Place: Sydney and Melbourne
Start date: 10 Nov. 1884
End date: 10 Nov. 1884
I assume the locations to be Sydney and Melbourne as in previous editions of this event.
   Dunn, Paul.  [11th NSW v VIC Telegraphic Match 1884]