Oswestry 1901

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Saint, George    0 /
Parry, J. Ellis    2147 (60) 1 /
Holt, Locke    1 /
Lock, G.H.    0 /
Jones (2)    1 /
Bassett, A.T.    0 /
Douglas, J. Campbell    0.5 /
Groom, Ernest    0.5 /
Whitehouse, G.    1 /
Morris, W.C.    0 /
Hughes, W.A.    0 /
Greenhalgh, W.H.    1 /
Shaw, Alfred    0.5 /
Groom, C.    0.5 /
Rowland, P.D.    0 /
Forrest, Frederick    1558 (99) 1 /
Medway, Charles    1 /
Thomas, J.W.    0 /
Simpson, Charles (1)    1 /
Jones, Alf    0 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Denbighshire - Shropshire Match
Place: Oswestry
Start date: 18 May 1901
End date: 18 May 1901
   Tabner, Keith.  [History of Shropshire Chess: Chapter 1 - 1850 - 1929]
   [The Early Years of Oswestry Chess Club]