Sydney and Melbourne 1885

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Burns, Andrew    2214 (99) 0.5 /
Russell, George    1992 (97) 0.5 /
Channon, John    1824 (138) 0 /
Loughran, Edwin    1980 (112) 1 /
Fisher, Charles    2279 (88) 1 /
Smith, Robert    2120 (120) 0 /
Heiman, David    2043 (90) 0 /
Witton, John    1989 (89) 1 /
Simpson, William    1768 (140) 0 /
Crane, William    2301 (83) 1 /
Channon, James    2040 (128) 0.5 /
Stanley, John    2075 (90) 0.5 /
Esling, Frederick    2346 (75) 1 /
Gossip, George    2265 (55) 0 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 12th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match
Place: Sydney and Melbourne
Start date: 9 Nov. 1885
End date: 9 Nov. 1885
I am just assuming the locations were Syndey and Melbourne.
   Dunn, Paul.  [12th NSW v VIC Telegraphic Match 1885]