Lasker, Em. – Showalter, Ms. N.L. 1893

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Lasker, Emanuel    2719 (35) 2/
Showalter, Nellie    2314 (73) 5/
  Lasker, Emanuel gave odds of a knight
Status: formal

Event table notes

Event data
Place: New York (?)
Start date: 1893
End date: 1893
Winter quotes the 7 Jan. 1894 issue of the British Chess Magazine which mentions this match, so I presume it took place in 1893.
   de Lint, 10-Jahrig Bestaan van den N.I.S.B., page 101
   Urcan, Adolf Albin in America, page 109
   Sarah.  [Nellie]
   Sarah.  [Nellie Showalter Talks About Her Chess]
   Sarah.  [Women in Chess - The Birth of a Championship 1937-1938]
   Tartajobow.  [Nellie Showalter]
   Winter, Edward.  [CN 4484. The Showalters]

Match information updated: 17 Dec. 2024