Napier, W.E. – Marshall, F.J. 1906

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Napier, William    2524 (55) 1/
Marshall, Frank    2556 (25) 0/
Status: formal

Event table notes

Event data
Place: New York
Start date: Jan. 1906
End date: Jan. 1906
Part of a 10-game Rice Gambit Match, in which Napier played White in all games, the first against Marshall and the other nine against Finn. Although playing White was a disadvantage for Napier, given the unsoundness of the gambit, Napier won, so it seems worth including here for rating purposes. In his Rice Gambit match against Marshall the previous year, Marshall had played white in 3 out of 5 games, so including this game balances the sides.
   Hilbert, Napier, page 321, 346