Jurgschat, W. – Thomas, H. (3) 1923

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Jurgschat, Walter    2281 (77) 10.5/17 
Thomas, Hans    2177 (95) 6.5/17 
Status: formal

Event table notes

Event data
Place: Dusseldorf (?)
Start date: 1923
End date: 1923
Feenstra Kuiper and Di Felice have G.A. Thomas as Jurgschat's opponent, and place the match in Berlin. It seems extremely unlikely that a match with G.A. Thomas would have gone unreported in major chess news venues. A contributor on the chessgames.com page for Jurgschat has identified his opponent in this match as Hans Thomas, from Düsseldorf, but does not give a source for that information. Since other matches of Jurgschat at about this time were played in Düsseldorf, it seems more likely that this one was played there than in Berlin.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1921-1930, page 66
   Feenstra Kuiper, 100 Jahre Schachzweikämpfe, page 50
   [Walter Jurgschat]

Match information updated: 3 Apr. 2022