Orchard, I.E. – Wurm, A.F. 1877 (2)

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Orchard, I. Edward    2162 (62) 12.5/22 
Wurm, Adolphus    2181 (66) 9.5/22 
Status: formal

Event table notes

Event data
Place: Atlanta
Start date: 1877
End date: Apr. 1877
The Sunny South (Atlanta) of 19 May 1877 says that this was a match for 'eleven games up' played 'last month', and says that Orchard won 11-8, with no mention of draws. The result is also given in the 15 Apr. 1877 issue of the Macon Telegraph, along with a second match result between the same players. I will guess, therefore, that the first match finished at least in early Apr. 1877. Brownson's Chess Journal of May 1877 (p.188) gives the result as +11-8=3 for Orchard, as does the Newcastle Courant of 30 Nov. 1877 (p.7). The Illustrated London News of 13 Oct. 1877 (p.367) gives the result 11-10 for Orchard for a 'recent' match with Wurm. The game given in the same column is also given in the Charleston News of 3 Mar. 1880, where it is stated to be from their first match, according to information sent by Nick Pope. Thus, even though the score is incorrect, it probably refers to this first match.
   [AtSS], 19 May 1877
   [AtSS], 16 Feb. 1878
   [AtSS], 20 Apr. 1878
   [AtSS], 4 May 1878
   [AtSS], 19 Oct. 1878
   [DCJ], no. 77, May 1877, page 188
   [ILN], vol. 71, no. 1996, 13 Oct. 1877, page 367
   [MaT], 15 Apr. 1877, page 7
   [NeCo], no. 10588, 30 Nov. 1877, page 7

Match information updated: 22 Aug. 2023