Montgomery, H.P. – Raphael, B.I. 1856

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Montgomery, Hardman    2394 (72) 5/
Raphael, Benjamin    2170 (65) 1/
Status: casual

Event table notes

Event data
Place: Philadelphia
Start date: Feb. 1856
End date: Mar. 1856
Fuller says in Frank Leslie's Illusttrated Newspaper (29 Mar. 1856) that Montgomery beat Raphael while he (Fuller) was visiting Philadelphia in Feb. 1856. But then he says he received a letter from Montgomery saying that Raphael scored only 1 out of 6 against him. The score +5-1 for Montgomery is confirmed in the 5 Apr. 1856 issue. Two of the games are dated 24 and 25 Mar. 1856 in the 5 Apr. 1856 issue of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper.
   [FLIN], 29 Mar. 1856
   [FLIN], 5 Apr. 1856

Match page created: 25 Jun. 2019