Steinitz, W. – McConnell, Ja. (1) 1883

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Steinitz, Wilhelm    2677 (30) 11.5/15 
McConnell, James    2427 (50) 3.5/15 
Status: casual

Event table notes

Event data
Place: New Orleans
Start date: Jan. 1883
End date: Jan. 1883
Steinitz says in the International Chess Magazine of May 1886 that the score of his games with McConnell during his visit to New Orleans in early 1883 was +10-2=3, but that two of the games had been replayed from certain points by mutual consent. Normally, I would not rate such games, but it is not clear here whether they were wins, losses, or draws of Steinitz. One game, a win by McConnell played on 18 Jan. 1883, is given in the 20 Jan. 1883 issue of the Daily Picayune, where it is stated to be Steinitz' only loss on even terms in New Orleans. This makes it sound like it was a genuine win by McConnell, and not one of the replayed games, so I will take the score as given as not too innaccurate.
   [ICM], vol. 2, no. 4, May 1886, page 116
   [NODP], 20 Jan. 1883

Match page created: 4 Mar. 2020