Capablanca, J.R. – Bohatirchuk, F.P. 1914

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Capablanca, José    2771 (37) 0.5/
Bohatirchuk, Fedor    2425 (40) 0.5/
Status: casual

Event table notes

Event data
Place: Kiev
Start date: Feb. 1914
End date: Feb. 1914
This single game was played during Capablanca's visit to Kiev, between his visit to Moscow and his visit to Vienna, so either Feb. or Mar. 1914. A consultation game dated 5 Mar. 1914 involving the same players that appears on p.24 of The Unknown Capablanca was played during the same visit. Voronkov's biography of Bohatirchuk says it took place in Feb. 1914. Sánchez as well as Hooper and Brandreth say it was a draw. Voronkov says it was a win for Capablanca.
   Hooper and Brandreth, Unknown Capablanca, page 1
   Sánchez, José Raúl Capablanca, page 195
   Voronkov, Fedor Bogatyrchuk, Vol. 1, page 61

Match page created: 12 Nov. 2024