Buckle, H.T. – Owen, J. 1857

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Buckle, Henry    2473 (77) 3/6 
Owen, John    2433 (48) 3/6 
Status: soft result (plausible score)

Event table notes

Event data
Place: London, England
Start date: 1857
End date: 1857
Zavatarelli says they 'made even games in a long series', but does not specify the year clearly, though certainly at least 1851, and probably before (since listed before) Owen's match with Morphy in 1858. Since Owen's results otherwise don't begin until 1855, it is likely that this series took place between then and 1858. I will guess at 1857, until further information comes to light.
   Zavatarelli, Ignatz Kolisch, page 81

Match page created: 6 Mar. 2021