Dubois, S. – Giustiniani 1849 (7)

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Dubois, Serafino    2525 (72) 2/
Giustiniani    2174 (79) 3/
  Dubois, Serafino gave odds of a knight
Status: formal

Event table notes

Event data
Place: Rome, Italy
Start date: 1849
End date: 1849
Second of two matches in which Dubois gave Giustiniani odds of Pawn and Move, Pawn and Two Moves, Knight, and Knight and Move in turn, each recorded separately here. I am assuming that these proceeded in that order in rotation, so that 5 games were played at Pawn and Move, 5 games at Pawn and Two Moves, and 5 games at Knight odds, while 4 were played at Knight and Move. Dubois gives only the total score, 11-8 for himself; I guess at the breakdown between the 4 species of odds, but this does not affect the ratings in any case.
   [QCH], vol. 5, no. 18, 2017, page 434
   [RSI], vol. 1, no. 6, June 1900, page 172

Match page created: 6 Mar. 2021