Carls, C.J.M. – Antze, O.H.A. 1931

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Carls, Carl    2411 (43) 13.5/23 
Antze, Oskar    2335 (47) 9.5/23 
Status: formal

Event table notes

Event data
Place: Bremen
Start date: 1930
End date: 21 Aug. 1931
Feenstra Kuiper gives the result as +8-4=11 for Antze. Di Felice and Keller give +8-4=11 for Carls. Feenstra Kuiper and Di Felice date the match to 1931, but Keller gives the exact end date and indicates that it started in 1930. The 7th game was played on 7 May 1930, so the match started before that.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1931-1935, page 62
   Feenstra Kuiper, 100 Jahre Schachzweikämpfe, page 56
   Keller, Schach in Bremen I, page 301
   [Oskar Antze]

Match page created: 10 May 2021