Loughran, E.B. – Hodgson, R.L. 1895

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Loughran, Edwin    2079 (60) 7.5/12 
Hodgson, Robert    2106 (53) 4.5/12 
Status: formal

Event table notes

Event data
Place: Melbourne
Start date: 1895
End date: Apr. 1895
The Leader of 27 Apr. 1895 (p.34) gives the result as 7-4 for Loughran. The Australasian of 4 May 1895 (p.861) gives +7-4=1 for Loughran.
   [Aus], vol. 58, no. 1518, 4 May 1895, page 861
   [MeL], no. 2050, 27 Apr. 1895, page 34

Match page created: 5 Sept. 2021