Blijdenstein, W.J. – Koopman, J.H. 1853

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Blijdenstein, W.J.    1860 (145) 1/
Koopman, Justus    1796 (159) 1/
Status: casual

Event table notes

Event data
Place: Deventer
Start date: Nov. 1853
End date: Nov. 1853
Two of three games played by Blijdenstein on a visit to Deventer (with result +0-0=2). The report in the Jan. 1854 issue of Sissa (pp.23) is from a letter dated 10 Nov. 1853, so I guess that they were played in early November, though they might have been played a bit earlier.
   [Sis], vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 1854, page 23

Match page created: 22 Aug. 2023