Orchard, I.E. – Wurm, A.F. 1877 (3)

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Wurm, Adolphus    2181 (66) 9.5/13 
Orchard, I. Edward    2162 (62) 3.5/13 
Status: formal

Event table notes

Event data
Place: Atlanta
Start date: Apr. 1877
End date: Apr. 1877
The result of this second match between Wurm and Orchard (+9-3=1 for Wurm) was given in the Macon Telegraph of 15 Apr. 1877 (p.7), so was finished before that date. The 19 May 1877 Sunny South (Atlanta) said that the first match was played 'last month', so I presume this second match took place entirely in the first half of April.
   [DCJ], no. 77, May 1877, page 188
   [MaT], 15 Apr. 1877, page 7

Match page created: 22 Aug. 2023