Ueberhagen, Friedrich


Year       Rank    Edo    Dev.   Games 
1933  870  2150 (77) 5
1934  773  2173 (74) 0
1935  712  2196 (69) 11

Rating table notes

Biographical data
Name: Ueberhagen, Friedrich Carl  
   Also known as: Fritz Ueberhagen
Born: 6 Jan. 1904
Died: 5 Feb. 1981
The Schach-Nekrolog page on the German Wikipedia gives his age at death as 77 on 5-02-1981, which would mean he was born between 6-02-1903 and 5-02-1904. However, Gaige has date of birth 6-01-1940, and cites a letter from his son. This must be a typographical error. McGowan has sent a clipping of p.281 of 75 Jahre Nieders&aauml;chsischer Schachverband e.V 1924─1999 (1999) with dates 1904-1981.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1931-1935, page 407
   Gaige, Chess Personalia, page 435
   Niedersächsischer Schachverband, Niedersächsischer Schachverband, page 281

Tournament data

Bad Harzburg 1933 (2)     10th Lower Saxony Chess Federation Congress - Group 2     1.5  /  5
Hamburg 1935 (2)     North German Zonal Tournament     6.5  /  11

Player information updated: 5 Jan. 2023