Results |
Match scores
Name |
Edo |
Dev. |
Score |
/ |
Games |
Kipping, James |
2301 | (51) |
1 | / | 1 |
Werner, M. Edward |
2170 | (70) |
0 | / | 1 |
Parratt, Walter |
2220 | (65) |
1 | / | 1 |
Cadman, Robert |
2062 | (86) |
0 | / | 1 |
Thorold, Edmund |
2351 | (65) |
1 | / | 1 |
Young, John |
2112 | (80) |
0 | / | 1 |
Birchall, Charles |
1641 | (182) |
1 | / | 1 |
Reunert, Jerome |
1548 | (173) |
0 | / | 1 |
Kipping, James |
2301 | (51) |
1 | / | 1 |
Birchall, Charles |
1641 | (182) |
0 | / | 1 |
Thorold, Edmund |
2351 | (65) |
1 | / | 1 |
Parratt, Walter |
2220 | (65) |
0 | / | 1 |
Thorold, Edmund |
2351 | (65) |
2.5 | / | 4 |
Kipping, James |
2301 | (51) |
1.5 | / | 4 |
Event table notes
Event data |
Name: 4th West Yorkshire Chess Association Meeting |
Place: Huddersfield and Manchester |
Start date: 21 May 1859 |
End date: 24 June 1859 |
Notes: |
This event took place on 21 May 1859 in Huddersfield, but in the final, Thorold and Kipping drew their game and played later in Manchester on June 23 and 24 to break the tie by best of 3 games. The Chess Player's Chronicle of July 1859 (p.196) confuses E. Thorold with the Rev. W. Thorold, corrected in the Aug. issue (p.254). |
References |
Periodicals |
[CMNY], vol. 3, no. 7, July 1859, page 232 |
[CPC], vol. 1, no. 6, June 1859, page 190 |
[CPC], vol. 1, no. 7, July 1859, page 196 |
[CPC], vol. 1, no. 8, Aug. 1859, page 254 |
[Era], vol. 21, no. 1081, 12 June 1859, page 6 |
[Era], vol. 21, no. 1084, 3 July 1859, page 5 |
[ST], no. 1885, 5 June 1859, page supp.3 |
[SZ], vol. 14, no. 11, Nov. 1859, page 352 |
| |