Halifax 1870 (6)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Ellis, William    1472 (146) 1 /
Field, Thomas    1643 (88) 0 /
Finlinson, Arthur    1929 (98) 1 /
Wood, J.W.    0 /
Finlinson, Arthur    1929 (98) 1 /
Ellis, William    1472 (146) 0 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: West Yorkshire Chess Association - 5th Tournament
Place: Halifax
Start date: 21 May 1870
End date: May 1870
The report in the Leeds Mercury of 31 May 1870 (p.7) says that some of the games in some of the tournaments were played out after the day of the meeting (21 May) in Leeds, Wakefield and Huddersfield. It is not clear to which of the five tournaments this applies.
   [CPQC], vol. 2, no. 4, Aug. 1870, page 125
   [ILN], vol. 56, no. 1598, 11 June 1870, page 619
   [LeM], vol. 107, no. 10026, 31 May 1870, page 7

Tournament information updated: 16 May 2018