Sheffield 1875 (1)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Finlinson, J. Henry    2085 (96) 1 /
Cockayne, William    2047 (117) 0 /
Thorold, Edmund    2379 (39) 1 /
Godwin, A.    1937 (147) 0 /
  Thorold, Edmund gave odds of pawn and two moves

Event table notes

Event data
Name: West Yorkshire Chess Association - 1st Class
Place: Sheffield
Start date: 24 Apr. 1875
End date: 24 Apr. 1875
The final between Finlison and Thorold was not played for lack of time. The Westminster Papers of 1 May 1875 (p.2) says that 'in the second round Mr. Thorold beat Mr. Finlinson, whi divided the first and second prizes', but this is contradictory: why would they divide the prizes if Thorold won? The error is corrected in the 1 June 1875 issue (p.22). The Chess Players' Chronicle of Jun. 1875 says that Thorold gave Pawn and Two Moves. There is no mention of odds between Finlinson and Cockayne.
   [CPC], vol. 4, no. 9, June 1875, page 281
   [HCM], vol. 3, no. 8, May 1875, page 163
   [WP], vol. 8, no. 1, 1 May 1875, page 2
   [WP], vol. 8, no. 2, 1 June 1875, page 22
   Mann, Steve.  [Yorkshire Chess History - Edmund Thorold]

Tournament information updated: 22 Jul. 2022