Grosmont 1886

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Grimshaw, Walter    0 /
Speed, Richard    1 /
Forth, William    0 /
Love, R. (1)    2 /
Miller, George    1 /
Schofield, G.    1 /
Peguero, Ramon    1.5 /
Smailes, Francis    0.5 /
Collier, Edwin    0 /
Petch, James    2 /
Stephenson, W.V.    0 /
Bird, W.    2 /
Kingston, Thomas    0 /
Bennison, Robert    1 /
Sawdon, William    0 /
Love, F.    2 /
Calvert, Arthur    0 /
Porritt, G.    2 /
Matson, M.    1 /
Jones, E. (1)    1 /
Kirby, E.H.    2 /
Mann, J. (1)    0 /
Nicholson, H. (1)    1686 (214) 1 /
Dyson, J.    1723 (193) 1 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Whitby - Grosmont Club Match
Place: Grosmont
Start date: 8 Dec. 1886
End date: 8 Dec. 1886
The identities of some of the players are uncertain. Was 'M. Matson' actually 'William Matson'? Was 'H. Nicholson' actually Henry Wilson Nicholson? Was 'J. Mann' the Australian 'John Mann' or the 'J. Mann' of Leeds in 1857? Steve Mann gives 'James Mann or John Mann'. Which 'R. Love' was this? Or was the 'F. Love' here actually the second player named 'R. Love' elsewhere?
   Mann, Steve.  [Yorkshire Chess History - 1886: Grosmont v Whitby]

Tournament page created: 28 Apr. 2014