Results |
Match scores
Name |
Edo |
Dev. |
Score |
/ |
Games |
Charleton, John |
2158 | (88) |
1 | / | 1 |
Scott, Alexander |
1518 | (153) |
0 | / | 1 |
Charleton, John gave odds of a knight |
Park, William |
1572 | (130) |
0 | / | 1 |
Robson, G.D. |
1421 | (141) |
1 | / | 1 |
Park, William gave odds of pawn and two moves |
Semple, Thomas |
1809 | (98) |
1 | / | 1 |
Nicholson, James |
1917 | (87) |
0 | / | 1 |
Punshon, Robert |
2009 | (78) |
0 | / | 1 |
Hopkinson, W. |
1835 | (139) |
1 | / | 1 |
Punshon, Robert gave odds of pawn and move |
Charleton, John |
2158 | (88) |
1 | / | 1 |
Hopkinson, W. |
1835 | (139) |
0 | / | 1 |
Charleton, John gave odds of pawn and move |
Semple, Thomas |
1809 | (98) |
0 | / | 1 |
Robson, G.D. |
1421 | (141) |
1 | / | 1 |
Semple, Thomas gave odds of pawn and two moves |
Event table notes
Event data |
Name: Northumberland and Durham Chess Association - Tourney B |
Place: North Shields |
Start date: 22 Apr. 1867 |
End date: 23 Apr. 1867 |
Notes: |
The report in the Chess World of Apr. 1867 (vol.3, p.60) says that Charleton had yet to playe with Robson for the final. |
References |
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