London, England 1873 (2)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Dick, G.R.    1 /
Taylor, J. Paul    1699 (136) 0 /
  Dick, G.R. gave odds of pawn and two moves
Rudderforth, W.H.    1976 (98) 0 /
Taylor, J. Paul    1699 (136) 1 /
  Rudderforth, W.H. gave odds of pawn and two moves

Event table notes

Event data
Name: City of London Club Handicap
Place: London, England
Start date: 1873
End date: May 1873
The Field of 17 May 1873 gives the Dick-Taylor game as played in the final round of the City of London Handicap Tournament. The 6 June 1873 issue gives Taylor-Rudderforth. I have found no other reference to this event. There was a very strong handicap tournament in late 1872 at the City of London Club, and another strong handicap tournament in late 1873. Tim Harding (personal communication) says that junior handicap tournaments were started at some point, so perhaps this was one of those.
   [Fld], 17 Oct. 1873

Tournament page created: 25 Jun. 2019