Sydney and Melbourne 1930

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Crakanthorp, Spencer    2265 (56) 0 /
Crowl, Frank    2206 (51) 1 /
Purdy, Cecil    2237 (51) 1 /
Stanes, Eric    1936 (52) 0 /
Goldstein, Maurice    2271 (44) 1 /
Watson, Charles    2257 (59) 0 /
Koshnitsky, Gregory    2230 (49) 0.5 /
Gundersen, Gunnar    2101 (51) 0.5 /
Kinman, John    2189 (80) 1 /
Eddy, J.W.M.    1944 (54) 0 /
Nielsen, A. (2)    2088 (67) 1 /
McIntosh, L.    1887 (58) 0 /
Crane, Henry    2026 (80) 1 /
Kannuluik, Walter    1952 (84) 0 /
Amadio, H.H.    1867 (65) 0 /
Coultas, Walter    1936 (48) 1 /
Greenfield, Wilfred    1943 (52) 0.5 /
Adam, H.R.    1962 (62) 0.5 /
Shoebridge, Aubrey    1989 (60) 0 /
Green, Martin    2110 (84) 1 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 45th New South Wales - Victoria Telegraphic Match
Place: Sydney and Melbourne
Start date: 9 June 1930
End date: 9 June 1930
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1921-1930, page 299
   Dunn, Paul.  [45th NSW v VIC Telegraphic Match 1930]

Tournament page created: 17 Jun. 2020