Brisbane 1916

Crosstable scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games   
St. John, Cecil    1823 (61) 10 / 13 
Ansaldo, Albert    1888 (58) 9 / 13 
Robinson, Frank    1795 (58) 8 / 13 
Reddie, W.C.    1790 (75) 7.5 / 13 
Poole, W.C.    1790 (58) 6.5 / 13 
Allen, W. (1)    1755 (66) 4 / 12 
Lefand, B.    1635 (102) 2 /
Nesbit, H.A.    1599 (69) 1 / 12 

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 16th Queensland Championship
Place: Brisbane
Start date: 15 Aug. 1916
End date: Dec. 1916
According to Di Felice's crosstable, Lefand only played his first round games and Nesbit forfeited his second round game against Allen.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1901-1920, page 230

Tournament page created: 17 Jun. 2020