San Francisco 1895 (3)

Crosstable scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games   
Cole (2)    2082 (83) 14.5 / 20 
Neville, Wallace    1952 (67) 13.5 / 22 
Lazarus, Michael    2008 (79) 13.5 / 22 
Fairweather, Patrick    1995 (70) 12.5 / 21 
Johnson, G.O.    1965 (78) 12 / 22 
Hirsch, J.    1998 (81) 11 / 19 
Newman, John    1927 (79) 10 / 21 
Thomas, C.    1906 (79) 9.5 / 20 
Spaulding, C.W.    1912 (68) 9 / 20 
Denton, I.    1915 (67) 9 / 22 
Cutting, E.A.    1810 (68) 8 / 22 
Torres, J.M.    1786 (71) 2.5 / 19 

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Mechanic's Institute Tournament - Second Class
Place: San Francisco
Start date: 29 June 1895
End date: Aug. 1895
The last report found (in the San Francisco Call of 10 Aug. 1895) gives scores to date, which make it clear that at that point only seven games out of 132 remained to be played. It is not clear which pairings of players were involved in these seven yet-to-be played games, but since the error in guessing is slight, I have guessed (somewhat arbitrarily) that Thomas' two unplayed games were against Cole, that Spalding's two unplayed games were one each against Fairweather and Hirsch, and that Torres' 3 unplayed games were two against Hirsch and one against Newman.
   [SFCa], 6 July 1896
   [SFCa], 10 Aug. 1896

Tournament page created: 30 Dec. 2020