Topeka 1890

Crosstable scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games   
Willett, N.    2008 (181) 9.5 / 10 
Waterman, Charles    2062 (160) 8.5 / 10 
Moise, Lionel    1877 (180) 7.5 / 10 
English, Henry    1774 (186) 6 / 10 
Wing, P.N.    1723 (186) 6 / 10 
Garrettson, N.P.    1654 (183) 4.5 / 10 
Buek, Max    1610 (184) 4 / 10 
Harlan, Z.    1593 (189) 3.5 / 10 
Ruth, J.E.    1497 (191) 2 / 10 
Mathis, George    1525 (185) 2 / 10 
Leland, C.A.    1457 (187) 1.5 / 10 
Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
English, Henry    1774 (186) 1 /
Wing, P.N.    1723 (186) 0 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 1st Kansas State Championship
Place: Topeka
Start date: 22 Dec. 1890
End date: 24 Dec. 1890
The Topeka State Journal of 29 Dec. 1890 (p.5) says that the tournament finished on Wednesday, which would be 24 Dec., and the Osage County Chronicle of 25 Dec. 1890 (p.15) said it finished 'last evening', giving full results. This is inconsistent with the earlier report in the 22 Dec. issue of the Topeka State Journal, which says explicitly that the tournament is to be 'held December 25, 26 and 27', and the report in the 27 Dec. issue, which says that it 'will be concluded this evening'. I suspect that these two reports were printed 3 days after they were written, and that the dates were erroneously adjusted. The report in the 29 Dec. 1890 issue of the Topeka State Journal gives the score of English as +6-3=2, for 7 points, but then gives the score of Wing as +5-4 and says that Wing tied with English for fourth prize, and English won the play-off. The Osage County Chronicle of 25 Dec. 1890 more sensibly says that English scored +5-3=2 for 6 points in the main tournament, and that Wing scored +6-4, also for 6 points. The result of the play-off game is clearly included in English's score in the Topeka State Journal. A twelfth player, Rev. H.H. Morrill (Topeka State Journal, 22 Dec. 1890, p.8) or Rev. M. Morrell (Osage County Chronicle, 25 Dec. 1890, p.15), withdrew when his score was 2.5 out of 6, and his games were cancelled from the scores. We know that he drew with Willett, but the results of his other games, and even his opponents, are unknown, so I cannot include his games.
   [OCC], 25 Dec. 1890, page 15
   [TSJ], vol. 18, no. 304, 22 Dec. 1890, page 8
   [TSJ], vol. 18, no. 309, 27 Dec. 1890, page 8
   [TSJ], vol. 18, no. 310, 29 Dec. 1890, page 5

Tournament page created: 22 Jul. 2021