Results |
Crosstable scores |
Name |
Edo |
Dev. |
Score |
/ |
Games |
Piza, José |
2099 | (99) |
13 | / | 16 |
Torres, Theophilo |
2024 | (95) |
13 | / | 16 |
Costa, Henrique |
2146 | (101) |
13 | / | 16 |
de Castro, Raul |
2071 | (99) |
11.5 | / | 15 |
Bastos, Heitor |
1911 | (95) |
10.5 | / | 16 |
Silva, Augusto |
1920 | (101) |
9.5 | / | 16 |
Quayle, R.S. |
1890 | (101) |
9 | / | 16 |
Pereira, Annibal |
1899 | (101) |
7 | / | 15 |
Pessoa, Frota |
1706 | (99) |
8 | / | 16 |
de Sá, Eduardo |
1656 | (103) |
7 | / | 16 |
da Cunha, Godofredo |
1700 | (114) |
6 | / | 15 |
Hentz, William |
1937 | (98) |
5.5 | / | 11 |
Bocayuva, Quintino |
1740 | (116) |
5.5 | / | 13 |
Preto, Vicente |
1660 | (114) |
5.5 | / | 16 |
Burlamaqui, Armande |
1369 | (142) |
1.5 | / | 14 |
de Andrade, Alvaro |
1408 | (135) |
2 | / | 15 |
Lins, Libanio |
1359 | (141) |
1.5 | / | 16 |
Match scores
Event table notes
Event data |
Name: 3rd Club dos Diarios Tournament |
Place: Rio de Janeiro |
Start date: 25 Sep. 1905 |
End date: Nov. 1905 |
Notes: |
Hentz and Bocayuva abandoned the tournament early. Hentz forfeited to de Castro, Cunha, Burlamaqui and de Andrade. Bocayuva forfeited to Pereira and Burlamaqui. Also, the game between the two of them was not played (though it was scored officially as a half point each). None of these unplayed games are included for rating. Costa won the three-way play-off tournament for first prize. |
References |
Periodicals |
[OA], vol. 2, no. 48, 14 Sep. 1905, page 576 |
[OA], vol. 2, no. 49, 21 Sep. 1905, page 592 |
[OA], vol. 2, no. 50, 28 Sep. 1905, page 608 |
[OA], vol. 2, no. 51, 5 Oct. 1905, page 624 |
[OA], vol. 2, no. 52, 12 Oct. 1905, page 640 |
[OA], vol. 2, no. 53, 19 Oct. 1905, page 656 |
[OA], vol. 2, no. 54, 26 Oct. 1905, page 672 |
[OA], vol. 2, no. 55, 2 Nov. 1905, page 688 |
[OA], vol. 2, no. 57, 16 Nov. 1905, page 719 |
[OA], vol. 2, no. 58, 23 Nov. 1905, page 736 |
| |