Paris 1934 (3)

Crosstable scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games   
Monosson, Léon    2303 (54) 6 /
Golbérine, Boris    2159 (48) 5 /
Halberstadt, Vitaly    2216 (47) 5 /
Anglarès, Edouard    1976 (40) 4.5 /
Rabinowitsch, Boris    2219 (65) 4.5 /
Vernay, Etienne    1964 (71) 3 /
Voisin, André    1968 (49) 3 /
Efron, Sergei    2066 (69) 2.5 /
Perelmans, Albert    2101 (63) 2.5 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Paris Championship
Place: Paris
Start date: 8 Nov. 1934
End date: 27 Dec. 1934
Thimongnier's crosstable shows a draw for Monosson against Rabinowitsch, but a win for Rabinowitsch against Monosson. In order for the total scores for each player to be correct, this must have been a draw. Official scores were 3 points for a win, 2 for a draw, 1 for a loss.
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1931-1935, page 246
   Thimognier, Dominique.  [Championnat de Paris 1934]

Tournament information updated: 18 Mar. 2024