Saint Louis 1875

Crosstable scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games    Class 
Hutchinson, R.R.    2157 (138) 17 / 22 
Mellen, William    2031 (135) 17 / 22 
Judd, Max    2482 (44) 14 / 22 
  Odds for class difference of 1: a knight
Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Hutchinson, R.R.    2157 (138) 5 /
Mellen, William    2031 (135) 1 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Saint Louis Club Tournament - First Class
Place: Saint Louis
Start date: 1 Nov. 1875
End date: Dec. 1875
This was a 12-player double-round all-play-all tournament. All players played even except for Judd who had to give Knight odds to all other players. Partial scores are given in the Saint Louis Globe-Democrat as the tournament progressed, but we only have total final scores for the three listed here. Merrill withdrew before the end, forfeiting his unplayed games. His last reported score was +11-4.
   [SLGD], 24 Oct. 1875
   [SLGD], 31 Oct. 1875
   [SLGD], 7 Nov. 1875
   [SLGD], 14 Nov. 1875
   [SLGD], 21 Nov. 1875
   [SLGD], 28 Nov. 1875
   [SLGD], 5 Dec. 1875
   [SLGD], 12 Dec. 1875
   [SLGD], 19 Dec. 1875
   [SLGD], 26 Dec. 1875

Tournament page created: 22 Jul. 2022