Results |
Match scores
Name |
Edo |
Dev. |
Score |
/ |
Games |
Shaw, William |
1979 | (99) |
1 | / | 1 |
Whitaker, Robert |
1952 | (82) |
0 | / | 1 |
Waight, Henry |
1870 | (83) |
1 | / | 1 |
Gaunt, Edwin |
1899 | (88) |
0 | / | 1 |
Finlinson, Arthur |
2025 | (73) |
1 | / | 1 |
Robinson, William |
2050 | (83) |
0 | / | 1 |
Marks, John |
1857 | (93) |
0.5 | / | 1 |
Cocking, George |
1743 | (141) |
0.5 | / | 1 |
Finlinson, Arthur |
2025 | (73) |
1 | / | 1 |
Marks, John |
1857 | (93) |
0 | / | 1 |
Waight, Henry |
1870 | (83) |
0.5 | / | 1 |
Shaw, William |
1979 | (99) |
0.5 | / | 1 |
Event table notes
Event data |
Name: West Yorkshire Chess Association - 2nd Class Tournament |
Place: Halifax, Yorkshire |
Start date: Apr. 1876 |
End date: Apr. 1876 |
Notes: |
Cocking had to leave after his first round draw, so he allowed Marks to continue to the next round. No third round was played. Finlinson took half the prizes; Waight and Shaw split the other half. |
References |
Periodicals |
[HCM], vol. 4, no. 11, Aug. 1876, page 261 |
[WP], vol. 9, no. 2, 1 June 1876, page 27 |
| |