Kiev 1938 (3)

Crosstable scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games   
Boleslavsky, Isaak    2488 (46) 13 / 17 
Zamikhovsky, Abram    2380 (36) 12 / 17 
Konstantinopolsky, Alexander    2435 (33) 11.5 / 17 
Kofman, Abram    2297 (45) 10.5 / 17 
Oistrakh    2352 (57) 10.5 / 17 
Khavin, Abram    2408 (36) 10.5 / 17 
Kirillov, Vladimir    2353 (35) 10 / 17 
Korchmar, Efim    2362 (47) 10 / 17 
Poliak, Evsey    2372 (37) 10 / 17 
Gaevsky, Apollinary    2277 (46) 8.5 / 17 
Grigorenko, Dmitry    2298 (46) 8 / 17 
Kunin    2246 (66) 8 / 17 
Kozakevich    2224 (66) 7.5 / 17 
Kogan (1)    2153 (65) 6 / 17 
Kotlerman, S.    2242 (49) 6 / 17 
Osipov, Y.    2173 (55) 6 / 17 
Belakovsky, I.    2117 (49) 4.5 / 17 
Chumichev    1643 (154) 0.5 / 17 

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 10th Ukraine Championship
Place: Kiev
Start date: 1938
End date: 1938
Was the Kogan here the one who played in the Kiev Championship in 1927? Or was it Efim Efimovich Kogan, born 1920, who played in the Ukranian Championship of 1945?
   Di Felice, Chess Results, 1936-1940, page 182

Tournament page created: 13 Sept. 2023