Prague 1884

Crosstable scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games   
Porges, Moritz    2566 (54) 8 / 10 
Neustadtl, Hermann    2519 (53) 8 / 10 
Ebermann, Emil    2221 (85) 4.5 / 10 
Pascheles    2181 (101) 4 / 10 
Valenta, Otakar    2180 (87) 3.5 / 10 
Moučka, František    2048 (105) 2 / 10 
Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Porges, Moritz    2566 (54) 3 /
Neustadtl, Hermann    2519 (53) 1 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Prague Masters Tournament
Place: Prague
Start date: 1883
End date: Jan. 1884
The Feb. 1884 issue of Oesterreichische Lesehalle (p.64) gives results up to 13 Jan. 1884, and the scores (8, 8, 4.5, 4, 3.5, 2) total to 30, the number for a complete 6-player double-round all-play-all tournament. Then the Mar. 1884 issue (p.81) gives the final scores of the top three (8, 8, 5.5). However, the Allgemeine Sport-Zeitung of 21 Feb. 1884 (p.151) gives Eberman's score as 4.5, so I presume this is correct.
   [AlSZ], vol. 5, no. 8, 21 Feb. 1884, page 151
   [OL], vol. 4, no. 38, Feb. 1884, page 64
   [OL], vol. 4, no. 39, Mar. 1884, page 81

Tournament page created: 13 Jun. 2024