New York 1906 (3)

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Rosenthal, Jacob    2199 (68) 1 /
Anderson, C.S.    0 /
Rosenthal, Jacob    2199 (68) 1 /
Chittenden, Simeon    0 /
Rosenthal, Jacob    2199 (68) 1 /
Witkow, N.    0 /
Rosenthal, Jacob    2199 (68) 1 /
Dickerson, H.L.    1976 (97) 0 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: 28th New York State Chess Association Midwinter Meeting - Free-for-all Tournament
Place: New York
Start date: 22 Feb. 1906
End date: 24 Feb. 1906
Only partial results available. Rosenthal won this event 4-0, and his opponents are known, so I can include those games. Second was J.H. Stapfer with 3.5 points; equal third were S.B. Chittenden, H.L. Dickerson, and L. Bernstein, all with 3 points; but the details of opponents of these players and scores of each game are not given. It is not clear whether this extended to 24 Feb. like the main tournament, or whether it was completed on 22 Feb. 1906.
   [ACB], vol. 3, no. 3, Mar. 1906, page 49

Tournament page created: 6 Aug. 2024