Moscow 1868

Match scores
Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
von Schmidt, Evgeny    2487 (63) 1 /
Urusov, Sergey    2383 (91) 0 /
von Schmidt, Evgeny    2487 (63) 0.5 /
Drozdov, Alexander    2371 (74) 0.5 /

Event table notes

Event data
Name: Moscow Club Tournament
Place: Moscow
Start date: 1868
End date: 1868
Only partial results available. The Schachzeitung of Nov. 1869 (p.331) gives very little information about this tournament. It says that von Schmidt won all his games, including his game against Prince Urusov (I guess that this is S.S. Urusov, not D.S. Urusov), and that only his game with Druzdov ended in a draw. This suggests a single game between each pair of players, but we don't know how many players there were, nor even whether it was an all-play-all tournament. Since it helps to calibrate the strength of these three players, I include the two reported game results for rating.
   [SZ], vol. 24, no. 11, Nov. 1869, page 331

Tournament page created: 6 Aug. 2024