Results |
Match scores
Name |
Edo |
Dev. |
Score |
/ |
Games |
Loyd, Thomas |
2239 | (55) |
1 | / | 1 |
Raphael, Benjamin |
2172 | (58) |
0 | / | 1 |
Perrin, Frederic |
2303 | (38) |
1 | / | 1 |
Thompson, James (1) |
2299 | (52) |
0 | / | 1 |
Fiske, Daniel |
2279 | (83) |
1 | / | 1 |
Marache, Napoleon |
2261 | (50) |
0 | / | 1 |
Montgomery, William |
2255 | (50) |
0.5 | / | 1 |
Mead, Charles |
2100 | (104) |
0.5 | / | 1 |
Montgomery, William |
2255 | (50) |
1 | / | 1 |
Loyd, Thomas |
2239 | (55) |
0 | / | 1 |
Fiske, Daniel |
2279 | (83) |
1 | / | 1 |
Perrin, Frederic |
2303 | (38) |
0 | / | 1 |
Fiske, Daniel |
2279 | (83) |
1 | / | 1 |
Montgomery, William |
2255 | (50) |
0 | / | 1 |
Event table notes
Event data |
Name: New York Chess Club Tournament |
Place: New York |
Start date: Mar. 1857 |
End date: Mar. 1857 |
Notes: |
The 28 Feb. 1857 issue of the New York Clipper says that the tournament is 'just closing off', though it lists Lichtenhein who was replaced by Fiske as a participant, as stated in the 14 Mar. 1857 issue of the New York Clipper, at which point only the final remained to be played. Fiske's win in the final is announced in the 22 Mar. 1857 issue of the New York Clipper. The full results appear in the Apr. 1857 issue of the Chess Monthly (p.124). |
References |
Periodicals |
[CMNY], vol. 1, no. 3, Mar. 1857, page 96 |
[CMNY], vol. 1, no. 4, Apr. 1857, page 124 |
[Era], vol. 19, no. 974, 24 May 1857, page 5 |
[FLIN], 31 Jan. 1857 |
[FLIN], 7 Mar. 1857 |
[FLIN], 14 Mar. 1857 |
[NYC], 28 Feb. 1857 |
[NYC], 14 Mar. 1857 |
[NYC], 21 Mar. 1857 |
Web |
Spinrad, Jeremy P. [Collected results, 1836-1863] |
| |