Results |
Match scores
Name |
Edo |
Dev. |
Score |
/ |
Games |
Barry, George |
2078 | (177) |
3.5 | / | 5 |
Rynd, Porterfield |
2081 | (164) |
1.5 | / | 5 |
Barry, Samuel |
| |
3 | / | 6 |
Collins, Robert |
| |
3 | / | 6 |
White, H.V. |
1721 | (230) |
5 | / | 7 |
Hunt, Robert |
1649 | (234) |
2 | / | 7 |
Pim, Joseph |
1942 | (188) |
5 | / | 5 |
Nolan, R. |
| |
0 | / | 5 |
Long, Thomas |
1847 | (122) |
5.5 | / | 7 |
Cleere, H.F. |
1642 | (151) |
1.5 | / | 7 |
Jones, Peter |
| |
5 | / | 9 |
Inglis, Malcolm |
| |
4 | / | 9 |
Carroll, C. Coote |
1500 | (180) |
5.5 | / | 9 |
Buckley, E. |
1452 | (188) |
3.5 | / | 9 |
Mills, J.V. |
| |
5.5 | / | 6 |
Glorney, G. |
| |
0.5 | / | 6 |
Pim, Joseph |
1942 | (188) |
5 | / | 6 |
Cranwell, Thomas |
1680 | (178) |
1 | / | 6 |
Long, Thomas |
1847 | (122) |
5.5 | / | 6 |
Carroll, C. Coote |
1500 | (180) |
0.5 | / | 6 |
Event table notes
Event data |
Name: First Cordner Cup Tournament |
Place: Dublin |
Start date: 2 Apr. 1868 |
End date: 1868 |
Notes: |
Only partial results available. Knockout tournament with each match apparently for the first to win five games. Reports in the Westminster Papers, Chess Players' Quarterly Chronicle, Chess World, and Illustrated London News cover only the first two rounds, and even for these are not complete. In round 1, Rynd gave up against G.F. Barry when the score was +3-1=1 for Barry, and so forfeited two games. The reports say the score of the S. Barry - Collins match was 3-3. S. Barry went through to the next round, but there is no mention of any further games. Cranwell won by default in round 1 against O'Connell. At the time of the second report in the Chess World, the second-round Jones-Mills match had yet to be played. Pairings for round 3 are given (Pim-White; G.F. Barry-Long). Harding says it is known (from club minutes and history) that G.F. Barry ultimately won. The report of the first round results in the Illustrated London News of 20 June 1868 (p.609) switches Carroll and Collins, but Carroll could not have played S. Barry in the first round as both of them appeared in the second round. The reports in the Chess World of Dec. 1868 (vol.4, p.347) and the Era of 22 Nov. 1868 (p.7) show that S. Barry forfeited all his games to G.F. Barry in the second round. The Illustrated London News of 4 Jan. 1868 (p.23) said it was to start 1 Apr. 1868. The Chess Players' Quarterly Chronicle and the Chess World give the start date as 2 Apr. 1868. The second round was officially deferred to Oct. 1868, though players were allowed to play before that. In the third round Pim was to play White, G.F. Barry was to play Long and the win of the second round encounter between Jones and Mills would get a bye in the third round. |
References |
Periodicals |
[CPQC], vol. 1, no. 3, 18 July 1868, page 87 |
[CPQC], vol. 1, no. 5, Feb. 1869, page 156 |
[CW], vol. 4, no. 2, May 1868, page 87 |
[CW], vol. 4, no. 4, July 1868, page 142 |
[CW], vol. 4, no. 9, Dec. 1868, page 347 |
[Era], vol. 30, no. 1545, 3 May 1868, page 5 |
[Era], vol. 30, no. 1552, 21 June 1868, page 7 |
[Era], vol. 31, no. 1574, 22 Nov. 1868, page 7 |
[ILN], vol. 52, no. 1463, 4 Jan. 1868, page 23 |
[ILN], vol. 52, no. 1488, 20 June 1868, page 609 |
[WP], vol. 1, no. 3, June 1868, page 31 |
[WP], vol. 1, no. 7, Oct. 1868, page 76 |
| |