
Events taking place in Hastings, Sussex, England

     Napier, W.E. - Mieses, J. 1905    Hastings, Sussex, England
     Napier, W.E. - Atkins, H.E. 1905    Hastings, Sussex, England
     Scott, R.H.V. - Marchand, M. 1920    Hastings, Sussex, England
     Marchand, M. - Winter, W. 1920 (2)    Hastings, Sussex, England
     Macbean, W.P. - Stephenson, H.J.F.S. 1920    Hastings, Sussex, England (?)
     Menchik, Ms. V.F. - Price, Ms. E.C. 1925 (1)    Hastings, Sussex, England
     Lawson, Ms. A.B. - Musgrave, Ms. M. 1925    Hastings, Sussex, England
     Menchik, Ms. V.F. - Price, Ms. E.C. 1925 (2)    Hastings, Sussex, England
     Sussex 1885    Brighton - Rest of Sussex Match
     Hastings 1895 (1)    7th British Amateur Championship - Section I
     Hastings 1895 (2)    7th British Amateur Championship - Section II
     Hastings 1895 (3)    7th British Amateur Championship - Section III
     Hastings 1895 (4)    7th British Amateur Championship - Section IV
     Hastings 1895 (5)    7th British Amateur Championship - Final Section
     Hastings 1895 (6)    7th British Amateur Championship - Consolation Tourney
     Hastings 1895 (7)    Hastings International Congress - Master's Tournament
     Hastings 1895 (8)    Hastings Congress - Major Ladies' Tournament - Section 1
     Hastings 1895 (9)    Hastings Congress - Major Ladies' Tournament - Section 2
     Hastings 1895 (10)    Hastings Congress - Major Ladies' Tournament Final
     Hastings 1895 (11)    Hastings Congress - 2nd Ladies' Tournament
     Hastings 1904 (1)    London League - Three Unions Match
     Hastings 1904 (2)    British Ladies' Championship
     Hastings 1904 (3)    1st British Chess Federation Congress - Championship
     Hastings 1904 (4)    1st British Chess Federation Congress - 1st Class Amateur Section A
     Hastings 1904 (5)    1st British Chess Federation Congress - 1st Class Amateur Section B
     Hastings 1904 (6)    1st British Chess Federation Congress - 1st Class Amateur Section C
     Hastings 1905    1st British Chess Federation Championship - Play-off
     Hastings 1909    Kent and Sussex Congress
     Hastings or Tunbridge Wells (?) 1912    Hastings - Tunbridge Wells Friendly Match
     Hastings 1913 (1)    Kent and Sussex Counties Chess Association Tournament - Section I
     Hastings 1913 (2)    Kent and Sussex Counties Chess Association Tournament - Section II
     Hastings 1915    Hastings Tournament
     Hastings 1919 (1)    British Chess Federation Special Victory Congress - Chief Tournament
     Hastings 1919 (2)    British Chess Federation Special Victory Congress - Minor Tournament
     Hastings 1919 (3)    British Ladies Chess Championship
     Hastings 1919 (4)    British Chess Federation Special Victory Congress - 1st Class Group C
     Hastings 1921 (1)    1st Hastings Christmas Congress - British Champions' Tournament
     Hastings 1921 (2)    1st Hastings Christmas Congress - Invitation Tournament
     Hastings 1921 (3)    2nd Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Tournament
     Hastings 1921 (4)    2nd Hastings Christmas Congress - Major Tournament
     Hastings 1922    Hastings Tournament
     Hastings 1923 (1)    3rd Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Tournament
     Hastings 1923 (2)    3rd Hastings Christmas Congress - Major Tournament
     Hastings 1924 (1)    4th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Tournament
     Hastings 1924 (2)    4th Hastings Christmas Congress - Major Open Tournament
     Hastings 1924 (3)    4th Hastings Christmas Congress - 1st Class, Section A
     Hastings 1924 (4)    4th Hastings Christmas Congress - 1st Class, Section B
     Hastings 1925 (1)    5th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Section 1
     Hastings 1925 (2)    5th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Section 2
     Hastings 1925 (3)    5th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Reserves
     Hastings 1925 (4)    5th Hastings Christmas Congress - 1st Class, Section 2
     Hastings 1925 (5)    5th Hastings Christmas Congress - 1st Class, Section 1
     Hastings 1925 (6)    5th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Play-off
     Hastings 1925 (7)    5th Hastings Christmas Congress - 1st Class, Play-off
     Hastings 1926 (1)    6th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Tournament
     Hastings 1926 (2)    6th Hastings Christmas Congress - Major Tournament
     Hastings 1926 (3)    6th Hastings Christmas Congress - Major Reserves
     Hastings 1927 (1)    7th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Tournament
     Hastings 1927 (2)    7th Hastings Christmas Congress - Major Tournament
     Hastings 1927 (3)    7th Hastings Christmas Congress - Major Reserves Tournament
     Hastings 1928 (1)    8th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Tournament
     Hastings 1928 (2)    8th Hastings Christmas Congress - Major Open, Section A
     Hastings 1928 (3)    8th Hastings Christmas Congress - Major Open, Section B
     Hastings 1929 (1)    9th Hastings Christmans Congress - Premier Tournament
     Hastings 1929 (2)    9th Hastings Christmans Congress - Premier Reserves
     Hastings 1929 (3)    9th Hastings Christmans Congress - Major Tournament A
     Hastings 1930 (1)    10th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Tournament
     Hastings 1930 (2)    10th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Reserves
     Hastings 1930 (3)    10th Hastings Christmas Congress - Major A
     Hastings 1930 (4)    Hastings Invitational Tournament
     Hastings 1931 (1)    11th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Tournament
     Hastings 1931 (2)    11th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Reserves
     Hastings 1932 (1)    12th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Tournament
     Hastings 1932 (2)    12th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Reserves Tournament
     Hastings 1933 (1)    13th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Tournament
     Hastings 1933 (2)    13th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Reserves Tournament
     Hastings 1933 (3)    26th British Chess Federation Congress - Championship
     Hastings 1933 (4)    26th British Chess Federation Congress - Ladies' Championship
     Hastings 1934 (1)    14th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Tournament
     Hastings 1934 (2)    14th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Reserves
     Hastings 1934 (3)    14th Hastings Christmas Congress - Major B
     Hastings 1934 (4)    Hastings - Brighton Match
     Hastings 1935 (1)    15th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Tournament
     Hastings 1935 (2)    15th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Reserves
     Hastings 1935 (3)    15th Hastings Christmas Congress - Major A, Section 1
**  Hastings 1935 (4)    15th Hastings Christmas Congress - Major A, Section 2
     Hastings 1936 (1)    16th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Tournament
     Hastings 1936 (2)    16th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Reserves, Section 1
     Hastings 1936 (3)    16th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Reserves, Section 2
     Hastings 1936 (4)    16th Hastings Christmas Congress - Major A
     Hastings 1936 (5)    16th Hastings Christmas Congress - Major B
     Hastings 1936 (6)    16th Hastings Christmas Congress - Major C
     Hastings 1937 (1)    17th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Tournament
     Hastings 1937 (2)    17th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Reserves, Section 1
     Hastings 1937 (3)    17th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Reserves, Section 2
     Hastings 1938 (1)    18th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Tournament
     Hastings 1938 (2)    18th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Reserves A
     Hastings 1938 (3)    18th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Reserves B
     Hastings 1939 (1)    19th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Tournament
     Hastings 1939 (2)    19th Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Reserves A
     Hastings (?) 1942    Sussex Ladies - Gentlemen Match
     Hastings 1946 (1)    21st Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Tournament
     Hastings 1946 (2)    21st Hastings Christmas Congress - Premier Reserves A