Lovegrove, W.R. – Lipschutz, S. 1893

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Lovegrove, Walter    2475 (57) 3/
Lipschütz, Salomon    2460 (46) 1/
Status: formal

Event table notes

Event data
Place: Los Angeles
Start date: 1893
End date: 1893
According to Stephen Davies, these were casual games played when Lovergrove visited Lipschütz in San Francisco. He provides all the newspaper references given here, which give the result as +2-0=2 for Lovegrove. He also says that the result +3-0=1, as given in John Donaldson's 'History of the MI Chess Room', appears in H.J. Ralston's biography of Lovegrove in the Chess Digest (vol.3, no.10, Oct. 1850). Here, I have taken the result as given in all the early sources: +2-0=2 for Lovegrove.
   Davies, Samuel Lipschütz, page 239
   [LAT], 30 Dec. 1902
   [NYTr], 4 Jan. 1903
   [SFCa], 20 Apr. 1913
   [SFCh], 25 Aug. 1894, page 7
   [SFCh], 8 Sep. 1894
   [SFCh], 29 Dec. 1902, page 10
   Donaldson, John.  [History of the MI Chess Room]
   [Chess Room Newsletter 843]
   [A Short History of Chess in San Francisco]

Match information updated: 22 Jul. 2021