de Saint-Amant, P.C.F. – Mongredien, A. (1) 1841

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
de Saint-Amant, Pierre    2573 (58) 2/
Mongrédien, Augustus (1)    2298 (74) 0/
  de Saint-Amant, Pierre gave odds of pawn and two moves
Status: casual

Event table notes

Event data
Place: Liverpool (?)
Start date: July 1841
End date: July 1841
Staunton says (Chess Player's Chronicle, vol.1, p.202) that de Saint-Amant played 2 games with the president of the Liverpool Club (i.e., Augustus Mongredien); both games are given, de Saint-Amant giving odds of Pawn and Two Moves in both (p.196, 225). Walker says in Bell's Life in London (15 Aug. 1841, p.4) that these games were played during de Saint-Amant's visit to Liverpool.
   Walker, Chess Studies, page 90
   [BLL], 15 Aug. 1841, page 4
   [CPC], vol. 1, no. 12, 17 July 1841, page 185
   [CPC], vol. 1, no. 13, 24 July 1841, page 196, 202
   [CPC], vol. 1, no. 15, 7 Aug. 1841, page 225
   [Pal], vol. 1, no. 5, 15 Apr. 1842, page 237