Szen, J. – Falkbeer, E.K. 1852

Name   Edo    Dev.   Score  /  Games 
Szén, József    2528 (47) 10/20 
Falkbeer, Ernst    2491 (51) 10/20 
Status: formal

Event table notes

Event data
Place: Vienna
Start date: Apr. 1852
End date: Apr. 1852
The Illustrated London News of 2 July 1853 (p.531) has a win by Szén over Falkbeer in Vienna, and the Chess Player's Chronicle of Nov. 1855 gives one win each from the July Weiner Schachzeitung. Spinrad and Sarah's Chess Journal give 1854 as the year, but the Wiener Schachzeitung of 1855 says that these games were played in Apr. 1852.
   Barcza, Magyar Sakktörténet, Vol.1, page 108
   [WSZ], vol. 1, no. 1, Jan. 1855, page 17
   Sarah.  [Joszef Szen]
   Spinrad, Jeremy P.  [Collected results, 1836-1863]

Match information updated: 6 May 2022